Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Real Problem with Anxiety

Anxiety is the most powerful demon on the face of the earth and if you haven't ever felt it's touch then you must be living under a rock for there are all kinds of things happening in this world that are open doors for this demon to come walking right on in.
Anxiety is a death sentence if you allow it to take root and gain power but there is an answer. The problem with that answer is, it is almost to easy. We are looking for much more difficult solutions and when they don't work than we can say, see, I told you so.
Yet, what does it hurt in trusting in the Lord to come through for you? And answer? God ususally takes to long to come through for us. 
For you see, we are a want it done now kind of people which I don't think is bad but it causes our hearts and minds to be constant conflict with each other. So, I guess it's true what the bible says that every day we must ask ourselves whom will we serve? And the answer should always bring us closer to the one who died for us not running to join the caravan to hell.
God Bless.

“But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” (Matthew 6:30)
Jesus says that the root of anxiety is inadequate faith — “little faith” — in our Father’s future grace.
One reaction to this might be: “This is not good news! In fact, it is very discouraging to learn that what I thought was a mere struggle with an anxious disposition is rather a far deeper struggle with whether I trust God.”
My response to this discouragement is to agree, but then to disagree.
Suppose you had been having pain in your stomach and had been struggling with medicines and diets of all kinds, to no avail. And then suppose that your doctor tells you, after a routine visit, that you have cancer in your small intestine. Would that be good news? You say, emphatically not! And I agree.
But let me ask the question another way: Are you glad the doctor discovered the cancer while it is still treatable, and that indeed it can be very successfully treated? You say, yes, I am very glad that the doctor found the real problem. Again I agree.
So, the news that you have cancer is not good news. But, in another sense, it is good news, because knowing what is really wrong is good, especially when your problem can be treated successfully.
That’s what it’s like to learn that the real problem behind anxiety is “little faith” (as Jesus says) in the promises of God’s future grace. And he is able to work in wonderfully healing ways when we cry out, “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).

-Author Unknown

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