Friday, December 6, 2019

Are We Raising A Whole Generation

This little devotional is thought provoking and quite scary.

As the new year approaches, it's time to take back what is ours and show people of all ages the hope we have within us.

God Bless.

Are we raising a whole generation of young men and women without any sensitivity to the voice of God’s Holy Spirit? I am on record, and I will be as long as I live, that I would rather lose a leg and hobble along throughout the rest of my life than to lose my sensitivity to God and to His voice and to spiritual things! Oh, how I want to keep that sensitivity within me—within my soul! I am thinking about a great throng of men and women raised in Christian homes. They have been brought up in Sunday school. They probably cut their first baby tooth on the edge of a hymnbook when the mother was not watching. Still, to this day, they are not right with God. Some have made a kind of profession but have never been able to delight themselves in the Lord. The reason? They have lost sensitivity to the message and the voice of God. If the Holy Spirit cannot move something within their beings every day, they are not going to be effective Christians—if they are Christians at all!


Quench not the Spirit. Hold fast to that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:19–20


I would rather lose a leg and hobble along throughout the rest of my life than to lose my sensitivity to God and to His voice and to spiritual things!


Lord, indeed the most important sense I possess is the sense of Your Holy Spirit. Cultivate in me a finely tuned sensitivity to You.

-Tozar Devotional

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