Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Be A Good Example


The day of change is upon us. Who will you be known for? Be the example your family member, you neighbor, your coworker, and everyone you come in contact needs.

May Christ ambassadors being to arise.

God Bless.

Be a Good Example
by Joyce Meyer
Teach what is fitting and becoming to sound (wholesome) doctrine [the character and right living that identify true Christians].
—Titus 2:1

Being a Christian is not so much a matter of doing as it is of being. When you’re willing to get out there and shine, you’ll eventually swallow up the darkness in your realm of influence.

God anoints normal, everyday people to live supernaturally in a frustrating world. He wants you to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. He wants you to stop just telling people Jesus loves them and start letting Jesus flow through you to meet their needs.

The best way to show the love of Christ is by example. People in the world want to see Christians who live what they preach and teach.

You can be a shining example of a victorious Christian, and that’s the best way to “teach what it fitting.”

From the book Ending Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

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