Thursday, December 12, 2019

Go To The Throne Of Grace

I don't care if you or a man or woman who read this, just be encouraged and never loose hope and most of all, remember, you are a child of the Most High.

God Bless.

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

Someone who has smoked multiple packs of cigarettes everyday for years might have trouble coming to God boldly to ask for healing of lung cancer. Someone who has wasted all of their money gambling at the casinos might not feel so motivated to ask God for mercy and grace in paying their bills. Our sins can affect our confidence in coming to God, so much so, that some of us opt not to pray at all. We think to ourselves, “Why would God help someone like me? Why would He heal me or deliver someone like me? Why would He extend His grace toward me? I did this to myself and I’m getting what I deserve.” But that’s not the attitude God wants you to have. You were not called to live in guilt and shame. Come out of that place in the name of Jesus! All taunting and tormenting spirits that have been sent from the enemy will leave you now in Jesus name!

No matter how you feel right now, you are a daughter of the King! You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! You are redeemed and purchased by His blood! Yes, you may have sinned and made a mess of things, we all have, but God’s mercy is far greater! No matter what you’ve done, you can always, always approach God’s throne of grace with a bold and humble attitude, confessing your wrongs and receiving His mercy and grace because of who you are in Christ.

Take this with you and never forget it…Don’t ever let anyone or anything make you feel so bad that you back away from receiving God’s promises of healing and deliverance that Jesus paid the ultimate price for you to walk in!

Come out of that place, and go to the throne of grace!

Prayer: Father, in and of myself, I don’t deserve your mercy or grace, but because of Jesus, I come boldly to your throne asking for it anyway. Forgive me, Father, of all wrong I’ve done to myself and others. I receive your grace and mercy. I receive healing and I receive provision. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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