Monday, December 23, 2019

Every Day Is Thanksgiving

I know Thanksgiving is over and I purposely waited to post this for Thanksgiving shouldn't just be a day but something we do and show every day, every minute of our lives.

So may we adopt the attitude of gratefulness today and into the year to come.

God Bless.

Every Day Is Thanksgiving
by Joyce Meyer
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!
—Psalm 95:2

Thanksgiving is not just a day to eat turkey and pumpkin pie, as we do in America. It was a day originally set aside to remember and give thanks to God for what He had done in protecting the first men and women who came to America, fleeing religious persecution in Europe. It was a type of harvest celebration like the one that the Jews celebrated; a day to give thanks for the crops they were able to harvest.

In addition to thanking God as we go through life, it is also a good idea to set aside special times of gratitude and giving thanks. Sometimes our family sits together and remembers where God has brought us from, and we thank Him for all He has done. Dave and I talk about our life when our children were all young and we lived in a tiny three-room apartment and had to cash in soda pop bottles to make it through until payday. I am sure you can recall times similar to those we had, and remembering them makes us thankful for how God brought us through them, and for all the progress we have made by His goodness.

Prayer of Thanks: Father, help me to realize that Thanksgiving is more than just a day on the calendar. I am grateful for all You have done in my life, not just today, but every day of the year.

From the book The Power of Being Thankful by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2014 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

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