Thursday, January 4, 2024

A Great Big Happy Life

A new year, new mindset. Why not start by being encouraged with this little devotional. 

God Bless.

A Great Big Happy Life

Adapted from the resource Power Thoughts Devo - by Joyce Meyer

It’s God’s will for us to grow up and mature spiritually. It’s God’s will for us to have good relationships. It’s God’s will for us to have good lives.

If you’ve had a negative past, it’s because the enemy interfered and got in. No matter what you went through or what you might be going through right now, you can be positive about your future. Think about it positively; talk about it positively.

It’s a bad attitude to say, “I guess I’ll just have more of what I’ve always had.” I encourage you to have a positive vision for your future. God says people without vision perish (see Proverbs 29:18). No matter what has happened in the past, no matter what is going on right now, you can believe something great will happen in your future.

Prayer of the Day: Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus and ask that you help me be more positive, and not waste time looking back to the past. Lead me and guide me toward the positive future You have planned for me, amen.

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