Monday, January 8, 2024

You Will

A uplifting and encouring little devotional to start the New Year out right.

God Bless.

“A Message from the Father's Heart for You

You will experience many trials because you have dedicated your life to following Me. The hardships you face will seem unbearable at times and you will feel as though you are all alone. But know while it may seem I'm no where around you. I have angels on guard ready to come to your rescue. You are protected on all sides and shielded by My grace. So, do not fear, for I am with you. I have given you strength, power, and authority to place the enemy under your feet. Remember, you do not fight against flesh and blood but against the powers, principalities, and the rulers of this dark world. As you put on My full armor each day and walk in the authority I have given you, no weapon formed against you will prosper.

(Scripture References: John 16:33; Isaiah 54:17; Luke 10:19; Isaiah 41:10; Ephesians 6:12)

By Lateena Green, DOTK Community Writer

Daughters of the King Daily Devotionals

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