Thursday, January 25, 2024

Even After All This Time

Inspire me. Inspire us all by the word's written below. 

God Bless

Today's Quotation:

Even after all this time. The sun never says to the earth, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.


Today's Meditation:

Love is arguably the most powerful force in the world that we have at our disposal--it costs us very little and produces so much. But if we wish to use it to its full potential "lighting up the whole sky," then we must give it to others, and we must do so without conditions. If I desire authentic love, then I cannot say I will offer it only to those I like, or exclusively to my friends and family--I must show love to all humans, regardless of who they are, what they have done, or what they believe, for when we place conditions on our love, we weaken its power and diminish its very nature.

Hafiz is sharing with us a very powerful message about love--its selfless nature. As he puts it, "the sun never tells the Earth, 'you owe me.'" Although it receives nothing in return, it endlessly lights up the entire sky of half the Earth. We should strive for this love--a love that nurtures and sustains, a love that shines outwardly instead of in, a love that provides energy and warmth for others, a love that asks nothing in return.

Society likes to romanticize love and make it appear as something we fall into. But love is not a state of being, it is a positive action; it is something we must actively give. If we only love because we expect to receive something back, then we are placing conditions on that love.

Love is a power. Love is a cause. Love can change the world. But this type of love--this powerful, positive force in the world--must come without conditions.

Today's Challenge: Show unconditional love towards others today.

Questions to consider:

What are some conditions you place on your love?

How might you better use love as a positive force? Is there anything holding you back?

What kinds of positive things might you accomplish if you were to use love as a positive force?

For further thought:

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.

Jimi Hendrix


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