Monday, January 22, 2024

Hope And Cheer

Some food for thought mixed with encouragement. 

God Bless. 

Hope And Cheer
Today : Hope And Cheer

“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” Psalms 94:19 (NLT)

God created us for peace and joy. But doubt is a reality we all face. Uncertainly, apprehension, distrust and confusion are part of our everyday life. None of us are unscathed. Life is full of ambiguity, but God has made us resilient. His presence and power gives us the comfort and strength we need to bounce back from doubt and painful emotions. The Psalmist says it plainly. When doubt fills our mind, God’s comfort gives us renewed hope and cheer. Today, come to God. Lean on Him. Tell Him your concerns, worries, fears and nagging doubts. Pour your heart out to Him. He cares and He will comfort you. He will bring you back to hope and joy.

Father, you know how many doubts, fears, apprehensions cross my mind. I need you. I need your comfort. Come Lord Jesus, fill my heart with hope and cheer!

God returns me from doubt to hope and joy
Come to God today with all your doubts, fears and concerns. See your self before Him. Does He care? Will He make a difference? Sense the doubt in your heart. But in your mind, come closer to Christ. See His face, See His nail scarred hands. Sense His heart full of love for you. Give Him your doubts and misgivings. Today, know deep in your heart that Christ is alive and He wants to fill you with all the hope and joy you can hold.

-Author Unknown 

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