Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Settle Your Differences

Just some food for thought to help make 2024 a good year.

God Bless.

Settle Your Differences

"When you are on the way to court with your adversary, settle your differences quickly. Otherwise, your accuser may hand you over to the judge, who will hand you over to an officer, and you will be thrown into prison." (NLT) -Matthew 5:25
Pride can seep into a relationship when disagreements occur. The longer you sit and stew over your disagreement, the harder it is to reconcile. Pretty soon, days, weeks, and years pass by and you become accustomed to the way things have become in the relationship. Every passing moment without reconciliation makes it that much harder to turn around and say you are sorry. Don't let your pride get the better side of you. Make it a practice to hurry and settle your differences quickly.
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