Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Trust God

Nothing wrong with a little trust in the One who created you.

Be encouraged. 

God Bless. 


Trust God
Today : Trust God

“Praise the LORD! For he has heard my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.” Psalms 28:6-8 (NLT)

It is hard to relax. I mean really relax. Why is it? We say we have faith and yet we are wound up tighter than a spring ready to snap at the next bit of pressure. Perhaps it is because when it comes to living life on our own, we are way over our head. We try, but life is so complicated. There are so many variables. But the truth is, God never intended us to live life all by ourself. He wants us to depend on Him. He wants us to live with His love and mercy helping us along the way. This is where fellowship with God is born. When we acknowledge that He is God, that He loves us and we begin to communicate with Him and share our inner struggles and needs, He hears us and gives us the help we need. God is pleased. And so are we. David knew this and proclaimed, “I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.” Today, relax, give it all to Him. Trust God, He will have mercy and help you.

Father God, I come and bring all my burdens to You. I am so tired of trying to fix everything myself. I need You. I ask You for mercy. Please help me today, I pray. In Jesus’ name.

I Put My Trust In God
Quiet your heart and come before God in prayer. Sense this big burden you are carrying on your back. Picture God wanting to take the burden from you. Take it off and lay it at His feet. Feel the relief as you take it off your back. Sense the joy in God’s heart as you give it to Him. He has heard your cry for mercy and is pleased to help you. Smile and feel the joy in your heart as you say, “I put my trust in God.”

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