Friday, April 17, 2015

It Is Not Always Those Nearest

Are you a seeker? Do you see His glory? Have you felt it? Do you know what it can do? Do you know Him?

Oh, that I might know Him is my desire is yours too? I want to see Him in everything I lay my eyes on. I want to know He is with me everytime I walk out that door. I want to know that everything I put my hands to comes from the inspiration of Chirst, Himself.

I want to show others who He is. I don't want to walk so close that I loose sight of who, are what He is or trying to show. I want to be the very few who can do it all and still see the wonder of His glory. Won't you join me in putting Christ in the center of all things and refuse to allow yourself to go blind to the wonderous glory that fills the earth everyday by the very hand of God.

God Bless.

Behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem. - Matt 2:1

It is not always those nearest to Christ who first see His glory.
He was born among the Jews, but the first homage paid to Him, excepting by the shepherds, was by wise men from far away. We have Christ in our very midst: do we see Him? do we honor Him? We do not understand about the star that guided the wise men. But, whatever it was, it led them to the King they sought.

If only we follow the light we have, we shall not fail to reach the blessing we need. The wise men of Jerusalem could easily tell where the Christ was to be born. Yet not one of them went to Bethlehem to worship the Messiah. It is not enough for us to be able to tell others where to find Christ; we should seek to find Him ourselves. No power can snatch out of God’s hands the feeblest life He is watching over. Herod felt sure of destroying the new–born King, but, before the blow fell, the Holy Child was on His way to Egypt.

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