Monday, April 27, 2015

Men Ought Always To Pray, And Not To Faint

I'm not the best person to be relied upon to pray for someone. I question my ability. Will I say the right thing.
Why me? The list is endless.

However, I'm not stupid. It's not about me and my wants. It's about what He wants. And He told me to pray and pray, and when I think I've prayed enough pray some more.

Since I've given my life over to this calling, not saying I'm perfect at it mind you, my life is so much richer. I've seen God in more area's then I had before.

I've been awaken to the realization that it's not my ability but God's and He longs to make things new and His design plan is He needs someone to pick up the mantle of prayer and loose Him to have free reign and that is what I strive for.

So when I came across this devotional, I knew I couldn't be the only one. So be encouraged when times get tough, then get tougher there is a world who needs us!

God Bless.

Men ought always to pray, and not to faint. – Luke 18:1

We are all in danger of growing careless in the matter of prayer. Many people never pray at all. Even many of those who say prayers regularly do not pray. As the flowers and plants on the earth need sunshine and rain from the heavens, so human lives need the benediction of God’s love and grace continually.

The special lesson in prayer taught here is earnestness, importunity. We ought always to pray, and not to faint – that is, we should never get discouraged in our praying. Some people, after pleading for something for a long time, give it up just when God is about to send the answer.

It seems strange to have this unjust judge taken as an illustration of God, in any sense, or to have the judge’s selfish acts used to show us how we can win blessings from God. But the meaning is, that if an unjust judge can be so influenced by persistent pleading, much more will the kind, loving Father be influenced by the importunate pleadings of His own needy children.

Mornings with God

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