Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ready All The Time

Do you realize how close we are to the return of Christ? It's got to be milliseconds in God's timing. There is nothing left, no prophecy, or anything else that needs to happen.

We need to be ready all the time now. You just don't know. Things are happening so fast. You could be here today and raptured tomorrow.

I want to be ready. The bible states when you hear of these things, look up for your redemption drawth nigh. I'm in the lookout mode. I am anxiously awaiting to be lifted off this crazy earth and reunited with the Lover of my soul.

Join me and get ready!!!

God Bless.

You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected. (NLT) -Matthew 24:44

Ever had a pop quiz where a teacher surprisingly hands out a quiz without any notice? If you have been studying and following along then you find yourself prepared for the unexpected.

The same is true for Christ's return in that we have no way of knowing when it will happen. Are you making choices and living in a manner that means you are prepared for the unexpected return of Christ?

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