Thursday, April 23, 2015

Praying For Those

I don't think I ever realized how important praying for others truly is. I guess I've lived a live of pure selfishness concerned only how things benefited me.

When I ran across this little devotional, I began to see just how truly it isn't about me and what I want but about those people I claim I love and who I promised to pray for but never did because I forgot or other selfish reasons.

So I needed to have a slight slap in the face to be woken up and truly begin a journey that has been full of blessing and unspeakable rewards. In praying for others, I've gotten close to my Father who has people on Heart and He delights when His people pick up on His heart as well.

So see in the end, it's not always going to be about us, but what we did with to help others ease their burdens and we start by praying for them even if it's right there in the grocery store aisle.

God Bless.

Dear brothers and sisters, I urge you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to join in my struggle by praying to God for me. Do this because of your love for me, given to you by the Holy Spirit. (NLT) -Romans 15:30

How does it feel when you find out someone has been praying for you? It's a touching feeling to know someone who loves you is putting their weight into petitioning God for your causes. It is a sign of love. Are you praying for those that you love and joining in their struggles?

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