Honestly, I don't think there is need for words from me.

I don't think I could have said it any better. So I'm going 
to let this devotional say what I can't say with the hope
that we get it and not only get it but put it into action.

God Bless!

Until you get to know them, 

don’t judge them.

“The fruit of the [uncompromisingly] righteous is a tree of life, 
and he who is wise captures human lives [for God, as a fisher of men—
he gathers and receives them for eternity].” Proverbs 11:30, Amplified
I had seen God work on a mean boss many years ago. 

Everyone talked about her and made her out to be this very bad person, 
but after I got to know her I discovered why she behaved the way she did–
she was hurting. By the time I moved on from that job, 
we had become close friends. 

This has happened to me on several occasions
 when God allows me to meet someone who is mean and unapproachable. 
He always instructs me to love them and listen to them.

There’s a reason people act the way they do, 
and it never helps the situation to respond negatively. 
Until you get to know them, don’t judge them. 
Behind every hard and unapproachable person is 
someone that’s been terribly hurt. 
You don’t know their story. 
Let God give you a wise and understanding heart. 
Let Him give you a heart and mind that wants to 
understand a person instead of react to them. 
That only comes from the Lord.

Prayer: Father God, only you know how hard
 it is for me to love the mean and unlovable. 
I can’t do this in my own strength. 
I ask that you give me a wise and understanding heart. 
Fill me with your compassion and mercy. T
ouch the heart of the hardened. 
Help them to know how much you love them through my actions. 
In Jesus’ name, Amen.