Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Death by Distraction

Are you like me who is easily distracted by things other than life situations? When I came across this, I knew this would hit the nail on the head for me on several issues.

So How could I not pass it on? 

Let God fill your heart like only He can.

God Bless.
Death by Distraction
“And this I speak for your own profit; not that I may cast a snare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction.” 1 Corinthians 7:35

We live in a busy world that supplies us with endless distractions from our faith. When we become distracted from our faith, we become separated from God. Think of your faith as a drive. Who wants to be in a car with a distracted driver? All kinds of things can happen. You miss your exits. You run off the road. You take a wrong turn. It’s no different in our faith. There are all kinds of spiritual distractions that take us on all kinds of wrong paths and far away from God. Here are some common things that take us away from our faith:

We’re human, and we tend to be very self-focused. It’s easy for us to get lost in our problems and ourselves to a point where we lose sight of God. Obviously God loves us, and He wants us to care for ourselves, but he designed us for more than just to take care of ourselves. (Matt. 6:33)

We like to be entertained. Television, movies, books…they all provide escape from our daily lives. There is nothing that says we cannot provide ourselves a little break from reality by being entertained, but when that entertainment gets in the way of our faith, it becomes a spiritual distraction. We need to prioritize what’s the most important. ( 1 Corinthians 10:13)

Our world is one that promotes having things. Every week there seems to be a new gadget we’re all told we need in our lives. It’s important that we learn the difference between what we need and what we want. When we keep our perspective on needs verses wants, the things in life become far less distracting from our relationship with God. (Matt. 6:19)

Even serving God can provide a spiritual distraction. Sure, we may be working for Him, but sometimes we lose sight of God in the our desire to be good servants. A good example of this situation is Martha. She became resentful that her sister, Mary, was not helping her in the kitchen when Jesus came to visit. Yet Jesus reminded her that He needed to come first, not the kitchen work. Her heart wasn’t in a Godly place. (Galatians 6:9)

What distractions in your life are keeping you from bettering your relationship with God?

Prayer: Lord, I ask You to help me remove all of the distractions in my life, even if it hurts. Help me to seek You above all else and be led by the Holy Spirit in my daily life. I want to live for You!

Unknown Author

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