Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Everything You Do

Do you lead by example? I know I don't. In fact, I would say I'm a follower and I'm sorry to say, I'm not proud of it.

In fact, when I insert my willfulness, it doesn't always go as planned. I'm usually the one getting hurt because of people telling me off.

However, I have found when I keep my mouth shut and stay true to God's principles, I usually get the attention of others which gives me an open door to share my beliefs in a way that is non-condensing.

So in other words, it's best if I just step aside and let the Spirit work for He has better results than I could ever hope for.

God Bless.

And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. (NLT) -Titus 2:7

It's easier to tell someone what to do than it is to lead by example. Modeling our beliefs is much more impactful and makes the value ingrained deeper in all who see our example.

Telling others what and how to react takes the choice away from them. God will speak to them and show them the error of their ways through your behavior alone. Set the example and let all you do be a reflection of Him.

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