Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Sing A New Song

Love, love, love this little devotional! It proves that I'm not that far off after all!

I love a good song to lift me up, to keep me going, and just to enjoy! If you listen close, you can usually tell where I am at in life by the song I sing!

Do I have a voice, no. But what I do have is my Father's ear no matter where I am in life and I know for me, He put's a song in my spirit just because He cares what I'm going through plus, He just knows me and loves me enough to know how I get through a day....

God Bless.

Sing a New Song

In reading the writings of almost all great leaders, especially when discovering their own devotional practices, singing is recommended in one’s private walk just as readily as it is an essential part of corporate worship. I always keep at least one hymnal at my place of devotion, and enjoy gaining inspiration from reading lyrics whether I sing them or not.

Alongside your hymnal, consider using your Bible as a source for singing in your private time with Jesus.
Be assured, though, Father God will receive any “new song” as a “sweet, sweet sound in His ear.”

Pastors of Promise

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