Friday, July 31, 2015

Holy Spirit: Mentoring And Shaping Us

This little devotional gives a good understanding of who the Holy Spirit is and what his job entails.

It's thought provoking and simple and for me, that is what I need.

I don't need anymore complicating sermon's or ideas of who the Holy Spirit is. I just need the simple version and when I grasp understanding, then I allow myself to the freedom to let Him do His job in my life.

Wouldn't you agree?!

God Bless.


By Steven and Deb Kosteron Wed, 29 Jul 2015
Scripture Reading: John 14:15-31 

“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” - John 14:26
As Jesus tells his disciples that he is leaving, he shares news about a new mentor. Jesus announces that the Spirit of truth is coming to be with his followers forever.

The Spirit has many mentoring roles in the lives of believers. Among other things, the Spirit reminds us of what Christ has taught us. The Spirit produces fruit in our lives (Galatians 5:22-23). The Spirit convicts us of our sin (John 16:8). The Spirit testifies about Jesus and challenges us to testify also (John 15:26-27). God has placed his Spirit within us to focus us on the truth. The Spirit mentors us by reminding us of God’s teaching. We will be convicted of our sin by his instruction revealed to us in Scripture.

The Spirit mentors us day by day without our having to schedule an appointment. All we need to do is come with a willing heart to hear God’s Word. The Spirit will do the heavy lifting of convicting our hearts and reshaping our lives.

Are you allowing the Spirit to mentor you and shape your life? Is there someone in your life who could use some reminding of God’s truth in Scripture? Follow the Spirit’s lead to bear fruit and testify about Jesus, allowing the Spirit to do his transforming work in you and others.
Lord, let your Spirit take up residence in us and produce the lasting fruit of transformation within us. Make us Spir-it-filled people who testify to your greatness. In Jesus, Amen.
Steven and Deb Koster

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