Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Do Your Best

I remember when I was little, mom would say it didn't made how you did as long as you did your best.
Okay, she still has a habit of saying it and if I'm completely honest, I hated her saying it then and I hate her saying it even worse now!
I'm a pleaser. But not necessary in the way one might think. I only look out for myself. I have a tendency to think of only myself but the word of God tells me to think otherwise. There lies the struggle.
If I am suppose to think of others than I go the extra, unnecessary mile on making sure they are happy in every area of their lives. Overboard becomes my second nature.
But it's not my job to make sure people are happy. It's my job in making sure I've done everything possible to ensure they will spend eternity in the right place and I accomplish my task by being and doing the best I can with what I have available because there are people unknowingly counting on me.
God Bless.
Do Your Best
by Joyce Meyer
But if anyone should sin, we have an Advocate (One Who will intercede for us) with the Father— [it is] Jesus Christ . . . And He [that same Jesus Himself ] is the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our sins, and not for ours alone but also for [the sins of ] the whole world.
—1 John 2:1–2
You are responsible to people, but God has not made you responsible for their joy. You may have children, or siblings, or a spouse God has given you to love and nurture who seem uninterested in your testimony. Some people just refuse to be happy, so don’t let them steal your joy.
You cannot fix anyone, and you shouldn’t take the blame for everything that goes wrong in someone else’s life. Obviously, you cannot make everybody you know believe in Jesus. But you can get up every day and do your best, and then trust God for the rest.

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