Thursday, February 2, 2017


I hate death. There's absolutely no good that comes from it. And if one more person tells me, that time will heal the pain from the loss, I think I may puke right on their shoes.

Sure, their comments come from a concern for you but unless your right in the thick of it, you don't want to hear anything about death or what good can come from it...absolutely nothing.

The only time, and I mean the only time something good happened from death is when Jesus conquered it and raised from the grave and we no longer have to put up with it or be defeated by it and to this I say...JOY TO THE WORLD!

God Bless.

Our experience tells us that people do not return from the grave. At the heart of our desolation when death strikes is the awful certainty that in this life we will not see our loved ones again. We attend funerals to honor their memory and grieve our loss, but we do not expect to be greeted at the door by the person who has died. 

In light of this, it should not seem surprising that Jesus’ disciples were reluctant to believe that He had risen from the dead. Following the testimony of the women who had seen an angel, an empty tomb, and Jesus Himself (Matthew 28:1-10), “the eleven disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him—but some of them doubted!” (vv.16-17). 

-Author Unknown

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