Thursday, February 16, 2017

Likewise, Ye

I love anything that has to do with the correction of what a husband is suppose to do and I don't mind telling us, I run it in as much as my conscious will allow.

But as I was reading this little devotional, I saw more to the words that are written below.

Sure this little devotional is written to encourage men on how to treat their wife's but if you let it soak into your soul, you will find the devotional gives insight on how we, as children of God, are to perceive how God would like us to believe and act.

It is time to study God and His characteristics, His timing, His plan, but most of all, it's time to share the love the only why we can by walking in the rule He made us to be.

God Bless.

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered
- 1 Peter 3:7

Husband, get to know your wife. Study her. What makes her smile, giggle, thrill, or weep? What gives her joy, what gives her pain, what gives her goose bumps? What are her dreams, what makes her tick, what gets her down? You should not only be her best friend, but the one who knows her better than anyone and who uses that knowledge to help and strengthen her in Christ.

On the one hand, she is to be treated delicately and respectfully because her emotional and physical makeup is more fragile than yours (God said it, not me). On the other hand, she is immortal! She will spend eternity with you in heaven, so treat her like the glorious, magnificent child of God that she is.

If you fail to love and know her as you ought to, then you offend her heavenly Father who gave his Son for her sake and your prayers will be hindered.

Whether you are married or not, remember this: Jesus loves you, believer, perfectly and with perfect knowledge. He handles you carefully and knows your weaknesses. He joyfully anticipates spending eternity with you! And his prayers are never hindered because he never fails to help and strengthen his bride, the church.

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