Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Led By Light

I want, no I long to be led by the Spirit in every area of my life.
Not only that, I long to send the Spirit forth into all the world so people can see what I have known all along, God is good and His love for us is indescribable!
So, hear my prayer on this day and in the days to come: Led me, Lord Jesus into the marvelous light!
God Bless.

"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God." (Romans 8:14)
Paul's writing to the Romans about life through the Spirit. I often ask the question: "How do people survive without God in this world?" It is a mystery and is something that cannot be done.
The Holy Spirit's presence is what helps the believer to make it through every day. Without being led by the Spirit our lives would be a mess. Many times it is that still small voice that keeps us out of danger and gives us the solutions we need.
Thank God for the precious Holy Spirit, who teaches, comforts, recalls things we have learned and counsels us. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you.
-Author Unknown

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