Friday, February 3, 2017

Say It Out Loud

We all know the saying, 'we are what we eat.'

Or maybe you can relate to the saying, 'you are what you think.' 

But have we ever thought of we are what we Say? I think not. Most of the time, we just let our mouth do the talking and we fund ourselves in trouble most of our lives from our own making.

We allow open doors for sin, doubt, and every evil work to enter if we don't get the tongue under control.

It is time we try a new thing and allow the word of God to take over and stop the madness that comes from a tongue that is allowed to run a muck and just maybe, the world will become a better place.

God Bless. 

Say It Out Loud

by Joyce Meyer

I am alert and active, watching over my word to perform it. —Jeremiah 1:12
Today I want to share with you some powerful truths that are based in God’s Word. I encourage you to confess these words over and over, so they will change your thinking and become part of your belief system about yourself. As you confess them with a heart full of faith, doing your best to believe them and act on them, you’ll be well on your way to a healthy self-image.
1. No matter how often I fail, I will not give up, because God is with me to strengthen and sustain me. He has promised to never leave me or forsake me (see Hebrews 13:5).
2. I like myself. I don’t like everything I do, and I want to change—but I refuse to reject myself.
3. I am right with God through Jesus Christ.
4. God has a good plan for my life. I am going to fulfill my destiny and be all I can be for His glory. I have God-given gifts and talents, and I intend to use them to help others.
5. I am nothing, and yet I am everything! In myself I am nothing, and yet in Jesus I am everything I need to be!
6. I can do all things I need to do, everything God calls me to do, through His Son Jesus Christ (see Philippians 4:13).
Love Yourself Today: Review the list of six confessions that will help you gain a healthy, biblical self-image. Which one do you need to focus on most today?

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