Monday, February 13, 2017

Fleeing The Forbidden

Confidence. You just can't live without it if you want to achieve anything in life.
Confidence is also the biggest struggle one will face in their life.
If you don't get it early, then getting it later in life is so much more harder.
I so long to live a life of confidence. My head and heart always seem to be in a battle over it.
So that is why I hang on for dear life when little devotionals like this one comes along. It gives me a boost, just like a can of kick start gives me energy.
I want to run my race, finish crossing the finshline, and hear, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," all the while having confidence in whom I belong to.
God Bless.

"So do not throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded." (Hebrews 10:35)
Everyone gets to a point in their Christian life where they wonder if their faith in the Bible is based on reality or fiction. This is especially relevant to people who were saved early in life and have built their whole life around a routine of walking in faith.
Then something happens and all of a sudden, they wonder why they do the things they do, if it's right, and if God's Word can really be trusted. As Satan entices us with "forbidden" things we must remind ourselves of the confidence we have in God's infallible, perfect Word.
Our confidence in Him will be richly rewarded, so be steadfast and flee worldly pleasures.

-Author Unknown

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