Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Find Balance

Finding balance in an uncompromising world can either male you laugh or cry. Maybe both, depending on the situation yuou find yourself in.

Balance is a must if we are to be an effective Christian in the world today because if people see a crack in us, then they are most likely to turn away from God and say we are like every other supposedly Christian to walk the earth.

It has been my experience that the walk has more effectiveness than the talk. People can.dispute how we talk about doing the right thing but the proving of it usually shut's the mouth of lion's.

God Bless.

Find Balance

by Joyce Meyer

Since all this is true, we ought to pay much closer attention than ever to the truths that we have heard, lest in any way we drift past [them] and slip away. 
—Hebrews 2:1

When Satan finds people out of balance, he has an inroad to destroy their lives. There are people who get out of balance in everything: from not sleeping, to sleeping too much; from not cleaning their house, to trying to keep it so clean that nobody can move in it.
Find balance; balance keeps your day going right. Satan doesn’t much care if you don’t do enough of something, or if you do too much of it, as long as you don’t stay balanced. Take time to examine yourself prayerfully, and ask God to show you how to remain balanced.

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Be Kind To Yourself

I feel guilty about how I see myself before I read these words from the Your Next 24 Hour book and after I read it, I feel even worse now.
However, once I went back and read the words again, I knew the author didn't want me to feel condemnation but rather he wanted us to take a good, hard look at how we talk and view ourselves.
Yes, it can and usually ain't pretty but we must get in the mindset that God didn't make a mistake where we are concerned.
We are a masterpiece in the eyes of who created us and He loves us just the way we are. Now for the hard part, we must see us thenway God see it, change our attitude, and begin to bring forth the person God made us to be. Let the journey begin...
God Bless.
Be kind to yourself.
“If you tell yourself you’re ugly, untalented, and unlovable, you’re probably sending that same message to others.”  - Your Next 24 Hours How many times a day do you compare yourself to others? It’s so easy to believe the lie that our lives would be better if we were different… but you were made by your Creator — exactly as He intended.  Maybe it’s time you let yourself off the hook. If you identify as nothing more than a sinner who is destined to fail, that’s how you’ll act. But, if you identify as a child of the King whose sins have been forgiven — everything changes!  Are you emotionally, physically or spiritually exhausted? Is the guilt of your past affecting your future? When your kindness tank is depleted, find a way to get it filled up again. To live a kind life, you must be kind to yourself first.  Remember: “In your quest to assist others, invest in yourself. You won’t be investing in anyone if you’re chronically fatigued or emotionally spent.”
- Your Next 24 Hours

Friday, October 27, 2017

Bless Yourself

Leave it to Joyce to keep it real and isn't that what the world needs right now?

Real Christians who are not perfect but knows the perfect one. 

Real Christians that yes, we have our struggles but we are not defined by them and we are constantly striving for something better; something real; something to hold onto when the going gets tough.

Enjoy this little devotional and remember to always keep it real for the world is watching.

God Bless.

Bless Yourself

by Joyce Meyer

I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me. 
—Proverbs 8:17

Our motives are misplaced if we think we read the Bible and pray to please God, or to keep from making Him mad at us. God once told me, “You think, when you read the Bible, that you are making Me happy. I am going to be happy whether you read it or not. No, Joyce, if you read the Bible, you’re happy. If you pray, you’re happy. If you give, you receive.”
Every single thing that God tells us to do, He tells us to do so to bless ourselves. He doesn’t ask us to devote ourselves to study and prayer for Him; it is for us. The good life is our choice.

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

He Knows Your Name

Do you really believe Jesus knows your name let alone what you may be going through? 
Do you see yourself as being favored by the Kin of the Universe?
Sometimes life gets the better of us and we need encouragement or a sign from up above indicating God hears us.
And I believe this little devotional is just that. A word of encouragement to help us to keep going and to settle an age old argument as to wether God knows who we are and I can assure you, He does and He loves yountodau and in the day's to come.
God Bless.
He Knows Your Name
Favor in the Bible is a deeply intimate and profoundly personal relationship between two people.  On one occasion, for example, Moses prays for the Lord to go with the people as they head out into the wilderness. God says to him, “This very thing that you have spoken I will do, for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name” (Exodus 33:17, ESV).
Did you see it? God’s favor toward Moses means that God knows Moses by name. That’s no cold, mechanical reservoir of blessing whose valves have to be monitored. That’s a relationship between two people who know each other’s names. I hope you can see the point here, because it’s important that we start out our week of devotions by understanding why having the favor of God is such a good thing. It’s not just that he begins to pour out some sort of divine gold dust on your life so that good things start happening to you and people start treating you with more respect. To be in God’s favor means for him to relate to you personally, to look on you with pleasure and even friendship. It is to be in a sweet and intimate relationship with the God of the universe. If you’re a Christian, have you ever stopped to consider that mind-blowing reality? The Creator of the cosmos, God himself, knows your name! His face looks full into your own, not with anger or disappointment but with a radiant smile. Because you bring him joy.  Oh, if we could only grasp that truth and drive it deep into the bedrock of our souls, it would change everything! Instead of facing life with fear and trembling, we’d walk through it with confidence, knowing that God himself rejoices over us.
Instead of being puffed up with pride on our good days and beat down with guilt on our bad ones, we’d keep our eyes firmly locked on eternity—and on the smiling face of the God who knows our name.   What’s hard for you to accept about the idea that God knows you and wants to befriend you? What about it gives you hope and encouragement?
-Aurhor Unknown

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Surviving The Counterattack

In my experience, there is always a counter attack when you take a step in your Christian walk.
You know the saying, you take one step forward, and 20 step backwards. AND NOTHING seems easy now a day's.
But if you stay strong, this too shall pass and to help make the counterattack less painful and faster, it helps to recieve an encouraging word like the following.
So let us take back what is ours and end this ridiculous cycle and keep marching on towards the prize.
God Bless.
Surviving the Counterattack
by Kenneth Copeland
“Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 It’s the moment we love more than any other—the moment of victory. It’s the moment when our healing manifests and the symptoms of sickness finally disappear. It’s the moment when Satan’s attack against our finances or our family is defeated and the breakthrough comes at last. What do you do when that moment comes? I’ll tell you what most Christians do. They kick up their heels in celebration. Then, breathing a sigh of relief, they put away their Bible, turn on the television and say, “Thank heavens, that battle’s over! Now I can relax.” Big mistake. You see, while they’re taking a spiritual vacation, Satan is planning his counterattack, plotting to snatch the victory from under their very nose. I first began to notice the effectiveness of such counterattacks years ago. Someone I knew, who had been studying a well-known healing evangelist, came to me and said, “I believe the Lord has taken His hand off Brother So-and-So.” “Really?” I asked in surprise. “Oh, yes,” he answered. “People are truly healed in his meetings, but when I follow up with them later, many of them aren’t healed anymore.” Although I couldn’t agree with his conclusions, I knew something was wrong. People came to this minister’s meetings, heard the Word of God, and experienced God’s presence. In that atmosphere of faith, it was easy for them to receive their healing. But when they left the meeting, they didn’t take that atmosphere with them. They stepped back into their old, unbelieving lifestyle that had made them vulnerable to sickness in the first place. So when the devil launched his counterattack with a few symptoms, these people just yielded to him. They said, “Oh my, I thought I was healed, but I guess I wasn’t.” “What’s wrong with that?” you ask. “What else could they say?” I’ll tell you what! They could have said, “Look here, Devil. According to the Word, I am healed by the stripes of Jesus. I received that healing at the meeting, and I don’t intend for you to steal it. So pack up your symptoms and go!” If those people had spoken words like that in faith, and refused to give in to the devil, they could have kept their healing. If they had resisted the devil as it says to in James 4:7, they could have defeated the counterattack. Stop being surprised by the counterattacks—and start being prepared for them. Lay a foundation of faith in your life, so when the devil comes like an old windbag and blows some lies, pains and adverse circumstances your way, your victory will not come tumbling down.
Speak the Word “I resist the devil and he flees from me.” —James 4:7 Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit www.kcm.org/youversion to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Pasture Experiences

There is so much I could say about this little devotional. In fact, maybe I am not to say anything at all but let the words of this little devotional speak to you where your need may be.
My hope and prayer is that by sharing this, you will find a new.sense of hope and not one of hopelessness because the world doesn't need any more of that.
So with that being said, I am just going to leave it here and allow the work of the Holy Spirit to do His thang....
God Bless.
Pasture Experiences
Have you ever felt God calling you to something? How did you react? You could do one of two things: with good intentions, you could try everything in your power to fulfill the calling … or you could wait for God to give you specific directions. There is wisdom in taking steps of action, and there is wisdom in waiting on God to tell you where to walk. It’s all about finding the balance between the two. Think of waiting as controlled preparation, like getting ready to have a baby.
Moms-to-be don’t visit every pediatrician in their area several times a week or buy all the diapers on Amazon. Nor do they just sit at home waiting for the day of delivery. They take deliberate steps for months in anticipation of the big day. Mommas may change their diets to nourish their little ones and ask other mothers for wisdom. They definitely visit the doctor as necessary, buy maternity clothes, and pray (a lot!). As the due date for my firstborn crept closer and closer, my anxiety grew more and more. I organized and reorganized the nursery, drove the route to the hospital, and read What to Expect When You’re Expecting until the cover was permanently folded over. The same is true for God’s timing and our preparation. Our job is to not run ahead of Him or lag behind. We should take natural, commonsense steps that are in line with His Word so we will be ready when He delivers our heart’s desire. As we step out in faith, He will show us the way by either opening doors or closing them. Sometimes that will require we do a new thing, and sometimes it means doing what we already know to do. A friend of mine wanted to write a book for ten years. Every time she got serious about starting the project, something deterred her: her family moved, she started a new job, she had another baby. God continued to close doors on her. A decade after He called her to write that book, she finally did. My friend realized the move, job, and baby each held lessons that ended up playing integral parts in her message. As she waited in her pasture—tending her sheep—God was getting her ready to share His heart in her book. Waiting in the pasture and tending sheep are difficult when we feel God has called us to something different. Many of us Jesus girls are doers, created with a nature to fix, nurture, and make things happen. Therefore, we don’t easily accept an assignment to hang out in our pastures and do the same old things when new things need to be done. And some of us Jesus girls are more cautious, created with timid hearts that seek confirmation. Before we get discouraged or passive about hanging out on the hilly slopes of what we know, let’s revisit James 1:2: “So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let [a test or challenge] do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way” (THE MESSAGE).
David was approximately ten years old when he was anointed king. He was not old enough or experienced enough to be king. Simply put, he wasn’t ready for the throne. However, his time as a shepherd had prepared him to be king. Like David’s, our pasture experience will mature and develop us for the next season of life. Lingering in our field will teach us the trustworthiness of God and the vastness of His ways. If David had rushed to the palace, his kingship would have advanced quite differently. Yet if he hadn’t taken the steps to get to the palace, he may never have been crowned. Who knows—we might never have been blessed by his poetic artistry of the psalms. Regardless if we like it, it is necessary for Jesus’s followers to embrace the pasture and tend to our sheep, as well as be willing to take a few steps toward leaving our current pasture.
-Wait and See Devotional

Monday, October 23, 2017

Overcoming Laziness

Big, big problem for me. I would rather sleep, eat bon-bons, and watch hours upon hours of useless tv than do anything spiritual or beneficial for others.
So when I came across this little devotional by Derek Prince, I knew there was still hope for me. 
And if I found hope, who am I to keep it to myself. May these words below shine light into a deep hole that a lot of Christians are fighting today.
God Bless.

Overcoming Laziness
Let us be diligent.
In 2 Peter 1:8–9, Peter set before us an alternative; we have two options. One is to be effective and productive in our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The other is to be ineffective and unproductive through a condition that he described as being “nearsighted and blind” (verse 9 NIV). Those are strong words. In light of this condition, Peter continued with a therefore. This therefore relates to the warning that Peter had given:
Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.(2 Peter 1:10–11 NIV)
That is good news. There are things we can do that will guarantee we never fall, and also that we will have a rich welcome into the kingdom of our Lord.
Basically, the condition about which we are warned is laziness. I am deeply troubled by the lack of concern in Christian circles about laziness. The majority of Christians view drunkenness with horror. They would reject any person who professed to being a Christian if he were drunk. While I agree that drunkenness is a sin, and while I certainly don’t condone it, I believe that laziness is much more severely condemned in the Scripture than drunkenness. The problem is that many Christians who would never be found drunk are habitually lazy. So, let’s heed that warning to be diligent.
Thank You, Lord, for the promise of entering Your rest. I proclaim that I will combat laziness, being “all the more eager to make my calling and election sure.” I shall be diligent. Amen. 

Derek Prince Ministries 

Friday, October 20, 2017


This is such a powerful little devotional. 

My hope by sharing this devotional is give an insight on how to have a powerful prayer life not to edify ourselves but to bring the world to a loving Savior.

Lord, let it be so and let it begin with me.

God Bless.


I prayed to the God of heaven
-  Nehemiah 2:4

There are numerous points of interest to this prayer.

First, notice the context of it. It is not a quiet bedroom, or a crowded church pew, or a scenic nature spot -- Nehemiah prays to God in the middle of a conversation with his king!

Nehemiah knew he needed to choose his words, and requests, well and so he fires a prayer to heaven even as he converses with his employer and ruler...and God answers it! Remember this next time you think you are too busy to ask God for help, or direction, or protection.

Notice to whom Nehemiah prays. He prays to the God! While living in a pagan land, surrounded by idolatry and hedonism, Nehemiah clings tenaciously to the one true and living God. Likewise, countless counterfeits are offered for true religion today, many of them just reworking age-old Eastern paganism.

But remember this lesson from Nehemiah: there are millions of gods to which you can pray, but only one God Who answers.

And this God is the God of heaven. He not only answers prayer, but has the strength to fulfill needs, move hearts, change circumstances, and forgive sins. Only the God of heaven, who rules sovereignly over earth, is worth praying to.

Last, and just as important, we notice that Nehemiah says it was I who prayed. He did not rely on his parents, or prophets, or anyone else's religion. He personally pursued the God from whom he hoped to receive answers.

Have you prayed to the God of heaven today? You are never too busy to pray, and he is never too busy to hear and answer.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Falling Short

I fall short all the time. And I need an everyday reminder that it is okay to fall short and the favor of God is upon me.
The problem is I have to understand the favor of God and learn to reverence all the favor God can bring me.
I don't want to keep sinning and asking God to forgive me and for the favor of God to be on my life if I am just going to keep doing the same thing the next day.
I can't seem to think this is what God had in mind. Do we really think God wants to keep forgiving us as we do our thing expecting the same results?
I think we do. But I also know God has a timetable and I think we are about at the end of it. It is time we get our act together and begin to respect God, who He is, and what He expects.
Favor isn't just for us to throw around like candy but us to live as Christ and show this world just how much they need a Savior.
God Bless.

Falling Short
Today I want to look at a misconception about how we receive this favor. The Bible couldn’t be clearer that God’s favor must be earned. “[God] will render to each one according to his works” (Romans 2:6, ESV). If you want glory, honor, and peace from God, then do good—always and forever. That’s it; that’s the deal. But if you fail, if you are self-seeking, disobedient, and unrighteous, what you “win” is not eternal life but wrath and indignation. It’s a pretty simple system, isn’t it? Do this and live; do that and die. If you want God’s favor, earn it.  I’m not pulling your leg. And neither was the apostle Paul when he wrote Romans 2.  Paul also wasn’t kidding when, a chapter later, he reveals how many people he expects to meet the standard and win God’s favor. Look at what he says: “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one” (3:10–12). So here’s the point so far: God’s favor is not a game, and it is not some special gold-plated status that brings good things into our lives. It is the very friendship of God, and by our sin and rebellion against him, we have forfeited that favor. What’s more, there’s no way we’re able to earn it back, and God cannot and will not simply suspend justice and grant us his favor anyway. No, his standard must be met. His law must be obeyed. Justice and righteousness must be honored and satisfied. His favor must be earned and won. But how? If we can’t do these things ourselves, then how on earth will they ever happen?
Have you reached a point yet where you have admitted your failure to live up to God’s standard on your own and don’t deserve his favor? Or are you still relying on your futile attempts?
-Finding Favor Devotion

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Forgiveness. The hardest thing to do. I don't care who you are this forgiveness thing ranks as number one as far as hoping God will change His mind about.

Sometimes I wonder if God even sees how people are hurting other people by their actions seeing He has a whole world to take care of.

But I know He does and what I learned over the years is forgiveness is for us and not about the people.who hurt us. 

Forgiveness is about keelping ourselves cleaned so sickness and every evil work doesn't have a foothold into our lives because once they are in, they evilness likes tontake over and sometimes it can do more damage than what a person can do.

Forgiveness not an easy thing to overcome but a rewarding one because once you conqured it, the world is your oyster. 

Forgiveness shines light in a dark place and can bring unlikely people together because they share something in common and who knows, this could be the very thing to bring about a much needed change in the world.

Forgiveness and the love go hand and hand. It puts a smile on your face abd a sin in your heart maybe the song that goes something like this: WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS LOVE SWEET LOVE. IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT THERE IS JUST SO LITTLE OF.

So yeah, forgiveness is the next cool fad about to take place and it is one, I can get behind, can you? I pray so. Much love and forgiveness coming your way.

God Bless.


Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
- Matthew 6:12

When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, he responded with what is commonly known as the Lord's Prayer. Embedded in the language of the prayer is this specific request for forgiveness.

It is evident from the content of the prayer that our Lord meant for us to pray after this manner daily, because it includes a request for this day's daily bread. It is therefore equally plain that Jesus is instructing us to confess our sins daily and ask for God's forgiveness.

Too often we allow a long time, and many unconfessed sins, to amass before we go to the Lord in prayer. As a result, we begin to feel estranged from God; our guilty conscience then makes it even more difficult to go to him in prayer at all.

It is best to keep "short accounts" with God, going to him regularly with our sin debt and allowing him to wipe it clean. We then delight to go to him for a regular time of confession, communion, and refreshing.

Notice, also, how this daily forgiveness is tied purposefully and inseparably to our own forgiveness of others. Jesus, in effect, couches this prayer in such a way that we must either forgive others completely and daily, or we are cursing ourselves each time we pray!

"Forgive us as we forgive others," Jesus tells us to pray. Have you taken your sin-debt to God in prayer today? Have you forgiven others as you yourself hope to be forgiven?


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Prayer Can Be Showy

I have been in plenty of prayer meetings where I sit and wonder if I have anything together because the othet people who are in the prayer meeting is pulling down stuff, calling for things to appear,  shouting on the top of their lungs and I sit feeling worthless because I don't believe in any of what they are doing.
When I leave I feel like I just left some kind of show and I didn't know my part. So when I came across this little devotional talking about showy prayer, I almost jumped for joy, instead, I will just be thankful I didn't loose my mind.
Showy prayer has no room especially in this crazy world who needs righteous prayer from Christians who has a heart for God and His people more than anything right now.
God Bless.
Prayer can be showy. You've probably been in prayer gatherings where someone prays a long prayer using flowery language. Prayer is not entertainment; it's a time of fellowship with God. I know you can pray anywhere but there is something about having a place where we pray regularly. As I grew in my new-found zeal for prayer I began to find myself really looking forward to my prayer times sensing I was really meeting with the Father. The room in which I prayed became synonymous with those times and I would go to the room expectant that I was going to meet with God. The result was that I approached my personal prayer times with faith. Praying for a long time, using many words or repetition doesn’t mean we are more likely to get God’s attention. I really don’t know why we feel that God will hear us more clearly like that.
This Scripture makes it clear that it’s not about words, length or repetition, because God knows anyway. It’s about quality—the right heart attitude, concentrating on what we’re doing, trying to live a life that doesn’t contradict our prayer life—not quantity.  Let me explain 3D praying to you. The three Ds stand for Desire, Discipline and Delight. First, and you cannot bypass this starting point, there needs to be Desire. Desire to be a person of prayer. Without that desire, nothing will ever change. You can’t force the desire, but you can ask God to plant that in you by his Spirit.  Second, it requires Discipline. Actually, you could double the D and make it daily discipline. This is the hard part, as you’ve probably already discovered. But I want to assure you that as you face the discipline it gets a lot easier; you’ll find the third D eases it considerably.  The third D is Delight. Yes, truly prayer has become a delight for me: spending time with the Father, opening up my life with its ups and downs, hearing what he has to say to me. What’s not to like! That means that I can look forward to praying; making my way towards the place where I usually pray I’m actually expectant that I’ll meet God during that time. What a change! It’s delightful. 
-Teach Me To Pray Devotions

Monday, October 16, 2017

What About Injustice?

There is so much injustice in the world and it seems all we ever do is sweep it under the rug. For if it isn't happening to you, well then, I want no part if it.
I think this is the cruelest thing we as Christians let keep happening. God left us in charge of this esrth and we need to get down on our knees and partition the head Judge to make a motion to change how things are done.
The evil getting away with everything is observed. It is time for the game changers to arise and take thier plave in the battlefield and said the buck stops here.
We don't have to live like this. The world is tired of being walked on. It is crying out for the glory of God to appear; and when that day comes, the unjust will be no more...or the rapture will take place. I'm okay with either. I just long for change in a mixed up kind of world.
God Bless.
What About Injustice? Leah DiPascal Today’s Reading: Ecclesiastes 8 Ecclesiastes 8:12-13 (NIV) "Although a wicked person who commits a hundred crimes may live a long time, I know that it will go better with those who fear God, who are reverent before him. Yet because the wicked do not fear God, it will not go well with them, and their days will not lengthen like a shadow." I used to watch the news all the time. Nowadays, I find myself avoiding it. It's not that I don't want to know what's going on in the world. But so much of the reporting seems to be about hatred, destruction and death. It's disturbing. In today's reading of Ecclesiastes 8, Solomon notices something that disturbs and troubles him. He calls it meaningless and struggles to make sense of what he sees. After witnessing the burials of a few wicked men, he notes how they were praised by others in the very places where they committed evil deeds Their wrongdoings seemed to have no consequences. Instead of punishment, they were rewarded with fine eulogies. (Ecclesiastes 8:10) Solomon also noticed that those who were living godly lives were receiving"what the wicked deserve" while the "wicked get what the righteous deserve" (Ecclesiastes 8:14). From His perspective, these situations seemed puzzling and completely opposite of how he believed life should be. We might wonder the same as we look out into the world and see injustice all around us. How can one person walk free from a crime he willingly commits and another person face a life sentence for a crime he didn't commit? How can a co-worker who steals from the company get promoted, while an honest and dedicated employee receives a significant pay cut? How can a repetitive drunk driver be released on bond while a mom with little ones gets a costly ticket for accidentally parking the wrong way on a secluded street? In today's economy, it may seem like the wicked are prospering and increasing in number. They don't seem to fear God one bit. They don't live uprightly. They create disorder and destruction. All the while, those who live with integrity and honor God often seem to endure one hardship after another. One setback after another. One disappointment after another. This doesn't seem fair. Why doesn't God punish the wicked now? Just like Solomon, we can be troubled by all the injustice we witness. We may fret, become frustrated or angry if we simply focus on the here and now. Like Solomon, we must have faith in God and trust His justice will be done in His own timing. (Ecclesiastes 8:12-13) For righteousness and justice are the foundation to God's throne. (Psalm 89:14; Psalm 33:5) He is against injustice and will bring judgment to all. (Isaiah 59:14-15; Isaiah 30:18-19; Ecclesiastes 3:17) In fact, He has already set the date. Will the world be ready? (Acts 17:31; 1 Peter 4:4-5; Revelation 6:16-17; Revelation 20:11-15) It's important that we trust the Lord will right every wrong in due time. Until that happens, our responsibility is to share the love and truth of Jesus with others as we wait on Him. (Hosea 12:6; John 5:22) Instead of always looking outward when it comes to injustice, we must start by looking inward. The truth is … because of sin, we've not only experienced injustice, but we've also used it on others through partiality, prejudice and unfairness. It's hard to admit but we've made mistakes too, in many ways. If we want our lives to reflect justice, then let’s begin by fearing God like Solomon suggested. (Ecclesiastes 8:12) As we seek to do His will, let's continue to love and pray for the salvation of others, so that when the day of His judgment arrives, there will hopefully be more who will receive His just rewards, instead of punishment. Prayer: Lord God, look deep into my heart and expose any injustice in me. Replace the seeds of partiality with seeds of unity and love. Remove all thorns of prejudice and skepticism. Help me do what is right when I'm tempted to do what is wrong. Teach me to act justly, to love mercy and walk humbly with You. In Jesus' name, amen. More Moments: Solomon mentions in Ecclesiastes 8:12 the importance of fearing God, but what does that mean? Read More Reading Progress First 5 Teaching Read Ecclesiastes 8 My Moment: Share one small way you can help decrease injustice in your own community. Add My Moment

Friday, October 13, 2017

Take The High Way

I love this little devotional.  If you want to understand where God is leading you and your frustration is at a all-time high well then, this little devotional is for you.
I know I can get frustrated if I doubt what I think God is telling me. Instead of my faith being at an all-time high it usually tanks to the sub-bottom of the barrel.
Doubt, the enemy's best weapon but thankfully we have a God who knows this area of weekness and loves enough to send us little devotional like this to help along the way.
God Bless.
Take the High Way
by Gloria Copeland
“My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
If you want to accurately understand the leading of God, then get better acquainted with His high ways than you are with the world’s low ways. Focus your time and attention on Him and His Word. Jesus operated that way. The Bible says He got up long before daylight to pray. Sometimes He spent the entire night communicating with God. Jesus made spending time with God the No. 1 priority in His life. That’s how He knew what God wanted Him to do.
That’s how He perfectly pleased Him. He spent time with Him. Jesus’ disciples knew by watching His lifestyle that His power was connected to the time He spent praying. That’s why they asked Him, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). The instructions Jesus received in those times with God weren’t always easy. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He sweated blood and said, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt” (Matthew 26:39). You may be in a type of Garden of Gethsemane right now. God may be telling you to do something your flesh just doesn’t want to do. He may have been telling you for months to get up earlier every morning so you can spend more time in prayer or in the Word. And you’ve been thinking for months, Yes, I really ought to do that...and then hitting the snooze button on your alarm and going back to sleep. Perhaps God has been speaking to you about other adjustments you need to make in your life. He may be saying, This is what you can do about this situation. Here’s what you need to change. No matter how insignificant God’s instructions may seem to you right now, you need to take them seriously. You need to obey them. What may seem of little significance now, may cause you to avoid serious consequences later. God’s directions are always in your best interest. If you’ll spend time with Him, you’ll learn His ways—and you can forget the world’s low ways. You’ll learn to take the high way! Speak the Word “As I spend time in the presence of God, His thoughts become my thoughts and His ways become my ways.” —Isaiah 55:8-9
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Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Lamb On The Throne

Who do you give your praise to? Is your praise going to the only one who deserves it?
I can honestly say much of mine goes to the problems and the trial's occurring in my life instead of the Lamb who sits on the throne.
God foegive me and help me to pursue your presence and glorify You instead of what happens around me. For you are indeed worthy of ALL my praise today and in the day's to come.
God Bless.
The Lamb on the Throne
Scripture Reading: Revelation 4:9-11; 5:13-14 To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever! - Revelation 5:13
We were made to praise God. As the Reformed tradition confesses, our chief purpose is “to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever” (Westminster Shorter Catechism). To glorify God means to enter into the joy of our salvation. It means that all that God has done for us in Christ directs our living and thanksgiving. Revelation 5 shows that the grace poured out on us by the Lamb, who was slain, is at the center of our praise. An old hymn says it well: “Come, thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace; streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise.” Just as an instrument needs to be rightly tuned, so do our hearts.
It’s so tempting to want praise directed at our own accomplishments. But the Bible is clear that we are unworthy of the blessings we receive. We’re called to declare the praise of the God who spoke us into being and rescued us from the power of sin and death by the self-sacrifice of the worthy Lamb, Jesus Christ, who had no sin. All else that we do well in life—all we accomplish and all we contribute to God’s kingdom of peace—flows from God’s saving grace. So in gratitude we raise our thanks to the Lamb on the throne. His grace covers all our sins and shame, and his grace will lead us home. Is your heart tuned for gratitude today? Prayer: Gracious God, tune my heart to sing your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Ruth Boven https://today.reframemedia.com/devotionals/the-lamb-on-the-throne#noredirect

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

And If You Do Good Only To Those Who Do Good

Yeah, I can honestly say, being good to my friends and family who I care about is easier than someone who has hurt me.
I will bend over backwards to help anyone who treats me with kindness and love but the other's, I have no problem sending them to the curb. And don't get me started  if one of those curb folks ask me to do something for them. My attitude changes and my patience becomes zero.
Yep, not perfect but thankful God sends me little devotional to help me in my walk along the way.
God Bless.

And if you do good only to those who do good to you, why should you get credit? Even sinners do that much! (NLT) -Luke 6:33
It’s effortless to love your closest friends and family. But what about those who don’t love you back unconditionally? It’s difficult to give a helping hand to a boss who doesn’t treat you well, or even someone who cheats, lies, or harms you. However, God challenges us to do just that. Try selecting someone who fits into one of those categories and do something nice for them.
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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem

The following devotional is not something that should be read but it is a commandment.

A commandment we must take seriously and not brush it aside with the intention of doing it when you vet a chance.

Jerusalem is God's city and the apple of His eye. We must as Christians get ahold of God's heart if we ever want to see the world change.

And there is no better country who needs our attention and prayers than Israel and it's capital city.

God Bless.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.”
The Bible exhorts us to seek the good of Israel through our prayers. To pray effectively in this way, we need to search out from the Scriptures God’s purposes for Israel and Jerusalem. Then, we need to set ourselves to pray intelligently and consistently for the outworking and fulfillment of those purposes. As we make this scriptural study, we will discover that, ultimately, righteousness and peace are ordained to flow forth from Jerusalem to all the nations of the earth. Thus, the well-being of every nation is included in this prayer for Jerusalem and depends on its fulfillment.
A challenging scriptural example of this kind of praying was provided by Daniel, who prayed three times daily with his window open toward Jerusalem. Daniel’s prayers disturbed Satan and threatened his kingdom such that he used the jealousy of evil men to bring about a change in the laws of the entire Persian Empire so that Daniel’s prayers would be rendered illegal. Still, praying for Jerusalem meant so much to Daniel that he preferred to be cast into the lions’ den rather than give up his praying. Ultimately, Daniel’s faith and courage overcame the satanic opposition. He emerged triumphant from the lions’ den—and kept praying for Jerusalem.
From my own experience of many years, I have discovered that making a commitment of this kind to pray for Jerusalem and Israel definitely stirs up a special measure of opposition from satanic forces. On the other hand, I have also discovered that God’s promise given to those who pray in this way holds true.
This is a scriptural pathway to prosperity—not merely financial or material prosperity, but also a prosperity that encompasses an abiding assurance of God’s favor. 
Thank You, Lord, for the blessing You promise to those who love Israel. I proclaim that as I pray for Jerusalem, I receive an abiding assurance of God’s favor. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.” Amen. 

Derek Prince Ministries 

Monday, October 9, 2017

Oh, Well

Sometimes I think Joyce doesn't get the average joe and his life.

When I am in a situation I can't control, I don't go around and say oh, well. 

In fact, I panic and start to go in despair mode and wonder why me or how could this happen to me.

So, yeah, maybe it is time to change my tune and the way I handle things and maybe, just maybe, this little devotional is the first step in changing my way's.

God Bless.

Oh, Well

by Joyce Meyer

Cease from anger and forsake wrath; fret not your self—it tends only to evildoing.
—Psalm 37:8

Whenever I find myself in a situation I can't do anything about, I have found that a good way to cast my care upon the Lord is simply to say, "Oh, well."
Take, for example, the morning that Dave spilled his orange juice in the car and got a little of it on my sweater. Immediately he said, "Devil, I'm not impressed." And I said,"Oh, well." So that problem was solved, and we pressed forward with the rest of our day.
Some things just aren't worth getting upset about, yet many people do. Unfortunately a large majority of Christians are upset, fretful, and full of anxiety most of the time. It is not the big things that get to them; it is the little things that don't fit into their plans. Instead of casting their care and just saying, "Oh well," they are always trying to do something about something they can't do anything about. On more than one occasion that simple phrase "Oh, well" has really helped me to make it through.

From the book New Day, New Youby Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2006 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Receiving When We Ask

Believing we recieve is the hardest thing I think the Christian has to do in our walk.

I am a person who likes to see things and feels things to believe something is true.

I am always looking for something to help boost my way of thinking and the following devotional seems to help do just that.

The only thing I want and need to remember is Receiving is settling it then leave it right there and I will...

Amen and God Bless.

Receiving When We Ask
My Father knows what I need, even before I ask Him.
One of the great secrets of getting things from God is receiving. There are many people who ask but never receive. There is a Scripture verse that is very emphatic about this principle of receiving. Jesus was speaking about petitioning God, and He said,
Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. (Mark 11:24)
The New International Version says, “Believe that you have received it,” which is a more literal translation. We receive the things we ask for when we pray. If you pray in that way—believing that when you pray, you receive—you will have what you ask for.
Notice that receiving is not the same as having. Receiving is settling it; having is the experience that follows. Let’s say you have a financial need. You pray. You are in touch with God. You say, “God, we need fifteen hundred dollars by Thursday.” Then, you say, “Thank You, God.” You have received it. Nothing has changed in your circumstances, but you have received it nevertheless. You will have it.
Thank You, Father, that You know me completely. I proclaim that I receive what I request when I pray, because receiving is settling it. My Father knows what I need, even before I ask Him. Amen. 

-Derek Prince Ministries 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

If A Soldier Demands That You Carry His Gear

I am a procrastinator. I have no problem procrastinating in the things I know I should and need to do.
I take the easy route out and feel no guilt anout it. Don't judge me.
I don't have any problem in laying out my weaknesses for the world to see. But more importantly, I am more than thankful for a God who sees me in a different light and believes in me enough to put His most important possession in my care...others.
He has enough faith in me that I will rise above myself and take on the hurting and give them a sense of hope. He has faith that I will go above and beyond for one of His own because I am aware of how much His love can and will change the world.
God Bless.
If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles. (NLT) -Matthew 5:41
When we’re assigned tasks to complete, it is sometimes easier to take the path of least resistance. The easiest route is not always the course of action God would have you take. As Christians, we are called to go above and beyond the task at hand, and to go the extra mile to demonstrate the love we have for others.
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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Think On Purpose

Oh, I think, purposely think, which usually gets me into trouble.

Which leads to me the knowledge I may have a weakness in my walk. There seems to be times I don't think God's thoughts but my own and I never really gave it much thought about what I was doing to my life.

I am my own worst enemy! Thankfully, I can change my way's and know my thoughts can become more like His thoughts through His love and mercy. 

God Bless.

Think On Purpose

by Joyce Meyer

And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude]. 
—Ephesians 4:23

A real breakthrough came for me in my love walk when I realized that love was something I needed to do on purpose. I could not wait to feel loving; I had to choose to be loving. The same rule applies to our thoughts. We must learn to think good thoughts about people on purpose.
We must learn to look for the good, not the bad, in everyone. We all have faults and weaknesses, but we all also have good qualities. I admit that we must look harder to find the good in some people than in others, but to be like Jesus, that is what we must do.
Jesus finds the good in everyone and magnifies that instead of the bad. He found the good in me and started developing it until it finally surpassed a lot of the things that were wrong with me. He has done the same thing for many of us, and He expects us to do the same for people we encounter every day.
Take a moment and try this experiment. Just sit and think some good thoughts on purpose about someone you know, and see how much better you feel about yourself. If you keep it up, you will begin to notice changes in that person’s attitude toward you. One reason that individual will change is that you will have changed.
Thinking good thoughts opens the door for God to work. If we want the Lord’s good plan to manifest in our lives, we must get into agreement with Him (Amos 3:3). He is not negative in any way, and according to the Bible, we have been given the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16)—but we must choose to use it.
We also have a mind of the flesh, and I often feel it is like the earth’s gravitational pull; if we don’t resist, we are pulled in its direction. Because of humanity’s sinful nature, our thoughts will automatically go in a negative direction unless we direct them otherwise.
Love Others Today: Choose to think good thoughts today–even if you don’t feel like it.

From the book Love Out Loud by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2011 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Character Tests

With everything going on in this world we as Christians must become more and more like God because people are looking for someone or something to do something with this crazy world.

And if we are not the ones to do it, I believe we open unwanted doors to evil to keep drowning out the light of Christ.

And if we are not authentic in who we are and what we believe in, I believe people will continue to laugh us off and deny the Savior of the world. Let us get our heads and our hearts together, walk in integrity and love so much that people will stop us on the street asking about the  hope we have within us.

God Bless.

Character Tests

by Joyce Meyer

Oh, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish the [uncompromisingly] righteous [those upright and in harmony with You]; for You, Who try the hearts and emotions and thinking powers, are a righteous God.
—Psalm 7:9

Have you found yourself wondering lately if the condition of this world can get any worse? Life is filled with challenges that test your determination and your faith in God. Whether faced with the impending threat of terrorism or with simple everyday hassles, the quality of your character is sure to be tested on a regular basis.
You must remember that God tests our hearts, our emotions, and our minds. What does it really mean to test something? Pressure is put on it to see if it will do what it says it will do. Will it hold up under stress? Can it perform at the level its maker says it can? Is it genuine when measured against a true standard of quality? God does the same with us. Ask God to give you grace to pass all your tests.

From the book Ending Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Share Each Other's Burdens

I love my spouse, okay, most days I do. But after I read this little devotional, I can't help but think if I really do.
I am so wrapped up on what happens to me doing the day that there are day's, okay, most day's I don't even give his much thought.
I ask him about his day, of course and try to listen to what he tells me. I feed and water him. I supply his basic needs such as making sure he has hair shampoo, deodorant, his clothes are clean, gas in his car, and I pray and thank God that He has protected him and brought Him back home but I really don't understand what he goes through a day.
And after reading this little devotional, it is time for me to ask for forgiveness and become a much more sensitive mate.
A mate that is God conscious instead of self-conscious allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me in every area concerning my spouse.
God Bless.
Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. (NLT) -Galatians 6:2
Do you know how much burden your spouse is carrying? It’s easier to connect and grow together when hardships and stress are balanced between you and your spouse. Don’t let this tilt too much in either direction. Make an effort to check in and help where you can. If the heavier load is on your end, be mindful of how the imbalance is affecting your love and patience. Then work towards the middle and you will please God.
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