Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Forgiveness. The hardest thing to do. I don't care who you are this forgiveness thing ranks as number one as far as hoping God will change His mind about.

Sometimes I wonder if God even sees how people are hurting other people by their actions seeing He has a whole world to take care of.

But I know He does and what I learned over the years is forgiveness is for us and not about the people.who hurt us. 

Forgiveness is about keelping ourselves cleaned so sickness and every evil work doesn't have a foothold into our lives because once they are in, they evilness likes tontake over and sometimes it can do more damage than what a person can do.

Forgiveness not an easy thing to overcome but a rewarding one because once you conqured it, the world is your oyster. 

Forgiveness shines light in a dark place and can bring unlikely people together because they share something in common and who knows, this could be the very thing to bring about a much needed change in the world.

Forgiveness and the love go hand and hand. It puts a smile on your face abd a sin in your heart maybe the song that goes something like this: WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS LOVE SWEET LOVE. IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT THERE IS JUST SO LITTLE OF.

So yeah, forgiveness is the next cool fad about to take place and it is one, I can get behind, can you? I pray so. Much love and forgiveness coming your way.

God Bless.


Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
- Matthew 6:12

When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, he responded with what is commonly known as the Lord's Prayer. Embedded in the language of the prayer is this specific request for forgiveness.

It is evident from the content of the prayer that our Lord meant for us to pray after this manner daily, because it includes a request for this day's daily bread. It is therefore equally plain that Jesus is instructing us to confess our sins daily and ask for God's forgiveness.

Too often we allow a long time, and many unconfessed sins, to amass before we go to the Lord in prayer. As a result, we begin to feel estranged from God; our guilty conscience then makes it even more difficult to go to him in prayer at all.

It is best to keep "short accounts" with God, going to him regularly with our sin debt and allowing him to wipe it clean. We then delight to go to him for a regular time of confession, communion, and refreshing.

Notice, also, how this daily forgiveness is tied purposefully and inseparably to our own forgiveness of others. Jesus, in effect, couches this prayer in such a way that we must either forgive others completely and daily, or we are cursing ourselves each time we pray!

"Forgive us as we forgive others," Jesus tells us to pray. Have you taken your sin-debt to God in prayer today? Have you forgiven others as you yourself hope to be forgiven?

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