Wednesday, October 11, 2017

And If You Do Good Only To Those Who Do Good

Yeah, I can honestly say, being good to my friends and family who I care about is easier than someone who has hurt me.
I will bend over backwards to help anyone who treats me with kindness and love but the other's, I have no problem sending them to the curb. And don't get me started  if one of those curb folks ask me to do something for them. My attitude changes and my patience becomes zero.
Yep, not perfect but thankful God sends me little devotional to help me in my walk along the way.
God Bless.

And if you do good only to those who do good to you, why should you get credit? Even sinners do that much! (NLT) -Luke 6:33
It’s effortless to love your closest friends and family. But what about those who don’t love you back unconditionally? It’s difficult to give a helping hand to a boss who doesn’t treat you well, or even someone who cheats, lies, or harms you. However, God challenges us to do just that. Try selecting someone who fits into one of those categories and do something nice for them.
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