Monday, October 23, 2017

Overcoming Laziness

Big, big problem for me. I would rather sleep, eat bon-bons, and watch hours upon hours of useless tv than do anything spiritual or beneficial for others.
So when I came across this little devotional by Derek Prince, I knew there was still hope for me. 
And if I found hope, who am I to keep it to myself. May these words below shine light into a deep hole that a lot of Christians are fighting today.
God Bless.

Overcoming Laziness
Let us be diligent.
In 2 Peter 1:8–9, Peter set before us an alternative; we have two options. One is to be effective and productive in our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The other is to be ineffective and unproductive through a condition that he described as being “nearsighted and blind” (verse 9 NIV). Those are strong words. In light of this condition, Peter continued with a therefore. This therefore relates to the warning that Peter had given:
Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.(2 Peter 1:10–11 NIV)
That is good news. There are things we can do that will guarantee we never fall, and also that we will have a rich welcome into the kingdom of our Lord.
Basically, the condition about which we are warned is laziness. I am deeply troubled by the lack of concern in Christian circles about laziness. The majority of Christians view drunkenness with horror. They would reject any person who professed to being a Christian if he were drunk. While I agree that drunkenness is a sin, and while I certainly don’t condone it, I believe that laziness is much more severely condemned in the Scripture than drunkenness. The problem is that many Christians who would never be found drunk are habitually lazy. So, let’s heed that warning to be diligent.
Thank You, Lord, for the promise of entering Your rest. I proclaim that I will combat laziness, being “all the more eager to make my calling and election sure.” I shall be diligent. Amen. 

Derek Prince Ministries 

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