Monday, October 2, 2017

Share Each Other's Burdens

I love my spouse, okay, most days I do. But after I read this little devotional, I can't help but think if I really do.
I am so wrapped up on what happens to me doing the day that there are day's, okay, most day's I don't even give his much thought.
I ask him about his day, of course and try to listen to what he tells me. I feed and water him. I supply his basic needs such as making sure he has hair shampoo, deodorant, his clothes are clean, gas in his car, and I pray and thank God that He has protected him and brought Him back home but I really don't understand what he goes through a day.
And after reading this little devotional, it is time for me to ask for forgiveness and become a much more sensitive mate.
A mate that is God conscious instead of self-conscious allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me in every area concerning my spouse.
God Bless.
Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. (NLT) -Galatians 6:2
Do you know how much burden your spouse is carrying? It’s easier to connect and grow together when hardships and stress are balanced between you and your spouse. Don’t let this tilt too much in either direction. Make an effort to check in and help where you can. If the heavier load is on your end, be mindful of how the imbalance is affecting your love and patience. Then work towards the middle and you will please God.
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