Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem

The following devotional is not something that should be read but it is a commandment.

A commandment we must take seriously and not brush it aside with the intention of doing it when you vet a chance.

Jerusalem is God's city and the apple of His eye. We must as Christians get ahold of God's heart if we ever want to see the world change.

And there is no better country who needs our attention and prayers than Israel and it's capital city.

God Bless.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.”
The Bible exhorts us to seek the good of Israel through our prayers. To pray effectively in this way, we need to search out from the Scriptures God’s purposes for Israel and Jerusalem. Then, we need to set ourselves to pray intelligently and consistently for the outworking and fulfillment of those purposes. As we make this scriptural study, we will discover that, ultimately, righteousness and peace are ordained to flow forth from Jerusalem to all the nations of the earth. Thus, the well-being of every nation is included in this prayer for Jerusalem and depends on its fulfillment.
A challenging scriptural example of this kind of praying was provided by Daniel, who prayed three times daily with his window open toward Jerusalem. Daniel’s prayers disturbed Satan and threatened his kingdom such that he used the jealousy of evil men to bring about a change in the laws of the entire Persian Empire so that Daniel’s prayers would be rendered illegal. Still, praying for Jerusalem meant so much to Daniel that he preferred to be cast into the lions’ den rather than give up his praying. Ultimately, Daniel’s faith and courage overcame the satanic opposition. He emerged triumphant from the lions’ den—and kept praying for Jerusalem.
From my own experience of many years, I have discovered that making a commitment of this kind to pray for Jerusalem and Israel definitely stirs up a special measure of opposition from satanic forces. On the other hand, I have also discovered that God’s promise given to those who pray in this way holds true.
This is a scriptural pathway to prosperity—not merely financial or material prosperity, but also a prosperity that encompasses an abiding assurance of God’s favor. 
Thank You, Lord, for the blessing You promise to those who love Israel. I proclaim that as I pray for Jerusalem, I receive an abiding assurance of God’s favor. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.” Amen. 

Derek Prince Ministries 

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