Monday, October 30, 2017

Be Kind To Yourself

I feel guilty about how I see myself before I read these words from the Your Next 24 Hour book and after I read it, I feel even worse now.
However, once I went back and read the words again, I knew the author didn't want me to feel condemnation but rather he wanted us to take a good, hard look at how we talk and view ourselves.
Yes, it can and usually ain't pretty but we must get in the mindset that God didn't make a mistake where we are concerned.
We are a masterpiece in the eyes of who created us and He loves us just the way we are. Now for the hard part, we must see us thenway God see it, change our attitude, and begin to bring forth the person God made us to be. Let the journey begin...
God Bless.
Be kind to yourself.
“If you tell yourself you’re ugly, untalented, and unlovable, you’re probably sending that same message to others.”  - Your Next 24 Hours How many times a day do you compare yourself to others? It’s so easy to believe the lie that our lives would be better if we were different… but you were made by your Creator — exactly as He intended.  Maybe it’s time you let yourself off the hook. If you identify as nothing more than a sinner who is destined to fail, that’s how you’ll act. But, if you identify as a child of the King whose sins have been forgiven — everything changes!  Are you emotionally, physically or spiritually exhausted? Is the guilt of your past affecting your future? When your kindness tank is depleted, find a way to get it filled up again. To live a kind life, you must be kind to yourself first.  Remember: “In your quest to assist others, invest in yourself. You won’t be investing in anyone if you’re chronically fatigued or emotionally spent.”
- Your Next 24 Hours

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