Wednesday, January 31, 2018

An Effective Transfer

Love, love, love this little devotional.

This little devotional makes you think for once not about your sins or how you may or may not be falling short of who you are but about what Christ did.

Sure, we all know about the cross and what that means for us but let us take a minute and focus on the most important thing Christ's death means for you and I.

Let us focus on the transfer of the blood and what blood transfer means to our lives. The transfer goes way beyond a measly way of life if we use it but The very way of our existence and without it, where would be.

God Bless.

An Effective Transfer
Through the blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil.
Letht the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.(Psalm 107:2)
Some people may know that they were redeemed out of the hand of the devil; others do not. But I know full well where I was before Jesus came into my life; I have no doubt about it. I know what it is like to be in the devil’s hand, and I never want to be there again. I also know, by what Scripture says, that it was the blood of Jesus that got me out of the hand of the devil and into the hand of the Good Shepherd. Jesus said of His people, “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” (John 10:28 KJV). That was the transfer from the devil’s hand to the hand of the Lord.
But notice that this transfer is effective and able to benefit us only when we do one thing: when we “say so.” “Let the redeemed of the LORD say so.” If you are redeemed, say it! If you do not say it, your redemption is not effective. It is the word of your testimony that makes the blood effective.
Thank You, Lord, for the blood of Jesus. I declare that by His blood, I have been transferred from the enemy’s hand to the hand of the Lord. Through the blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil. Amen. 

Derek Prince Ministries 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Quote Of The Day - Enjoyment

Who doesn't want to enjoy life? I know I do and I also know that I don't.
So I can appreciate this little quote from Joyce Meyer. I know my heart hasn't matched up with my mind.
In fact, I have allowed my mind to rule my life which just has sucked the life right out me.
So, Lord, I repent of listening to my mind, and from the pride that has allowed the open door to thr wonderous mind.
Lord, set us on a course of pure enjoyment whatever thw circumstances may be.
God Bless.
Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer
“Enjoyment of life is not based on enjoyable circumstances. It is an attitude of the heart, a decision to enjoy everything because everything – even little, seemingly insignificant things – have a part in the overall “big picture” of life.” 
– Joyce Meyer

Monday, January 29, 2018

How To Repent

I think this little devotional is a great start in helping to define the difference between sin and repentance.
If I can confess something, I was so in need of this devotional. The words written  below for me was life and death. I was always living in confusion so to say I am thankful, is to put it mildly.
And now I am free and on the path God has chosen for me and my prayer is the same will happen to you.
God Bless.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
A vague, bad feeling that you are a crummy person is not the same as conviction for sin. Feeling rotten is not the same as repentance. This morning I began to pray, and felt unworthy to be talking to the Creator of the universe. It was a vague sense of unworthiness. So I told him so. Now what? Nothing changed until I began to get specific about my sins. Crummy feelings can be useful if they lead to conviction for specific sins. But vague feelings of being a bad person are not usually very helpful. The fog of unworthiness needs to take shape into clear dark pillars of disobedience. Then you can point to them and repent and ask for forgiveness and take aim with your gospel bazooka to blow them up. So I began to call to mind the commands I frequently break. These are the ones that came to mind. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Not 95%, but 100%. (Matthew 22:37) Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Be as eager for things to go well for him as you are for things to go well for you. (Matthew 22:39) Do all things without grumbling. No grumbling — inside or outside. (Philippians 2:14)
Cast all your anxieties on him — so you are not being weighed down by them anymore. (1 Peter 5:7) Only say things that give grace to others — especially those closest to you. (Ephesians 4:29) Redeem the time. Don’t fritter away the minutes, or dawdle. (Ephesians 5:16) So much for any pretensions to great holiness! I’m undone. This is much worse than vague, crummy feelings. Ah, but now the enemy is visible. The sins are specific. They’ve come out of hiding. I look them in the eye. I’m not whining about feeling crummy. I’m apologizing to Christ for not doing specific things that he commanded. I’m broken, and I’m angry at my sin. I want to kill it, not me. I’m not suicidal. I’m a sin-hater and a sin-murderer. (“Put to death what is earthly in you,” Colossians 3:5; “Put to death the deeds of the body,” Romans 8:13.) I want to live. That’s why I’m a killer — of my sin! In this conflict, I hear the promise, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Peace rises. Now, prayer feels possible and right and powerful again.
Solid Joy App

Friday, January 26, 2018

Proaperity-From Genesis To Revelation

Prosperity is something we can never get enough of. Yet there seems to be something we are missing.
So maybe this little devotional will help. Be encouraged, there is hope in all areas of need.
God Bless
Prosperity—From Genesis to Revelation
by Gloria Copeland
“A faithful man shall abound with blessings.” Proverbs 28:20 Prosperity. Everyone wants it. We’ve heard much teaching on it. We’ve been told to owe no man anything except to love him (Romans 13:8). We’ve been told that God wants us to prosper (3 John 2). We’ve been encouraged to live debt free. But what many believers haven’t heard is how their everyday decisions to obey, or not to obey, seemingly unrelated Bible commands, directly impact their financial prosperity. You see, you can’t separate God’s financial principles from any of His other principles. All of them work together. So you have to live according to the entire Bible to have a good foundation for godly prosperity. For example, the primary commandment Jesus gave us is to “love one another” (John 15:12). To the casual observer, that commandment may seem to have nothing to do with money, yet to have true prosperity, love must be the guiding force of your life. Think of it this way. Every action you take, every godly decision you make, every time you go love’s way, you’re putting another block on your foundation of prosperity. When you pray for your enemies instead of hating them, you become a candidate for increase. When you turn away from immorality, you’re turning toward blessing. When you see things in your life that you know aren’t right and you correct them according to the Word of God, you’re preparing yourself to handle greater financial abundance. In Proverbs, you’ll find out, for example, that the quality of faithfulness and blessing of prosperity are tied together closely (28:20). Wherever you find one, you’ll find the other. According to Webster’s Dictionary, a faithful man is one who “adheres to duty, of true fidelity, loyal, true to allegiance, and constant in the performance of duties or services.” Luke 16:10 (The Amplified Bible) says, “He who is faithful in a very little [thing], is faithful also in much, and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little [thing] is dishonest and unjust also in much.” So if you want to be trusted with more and be promoted to a better job, you have to be faithful and honest in the job you have right now. If you really want to prosper...apply all of the principles of God’s Word—from Genesis to Revelation.
Speak the Word “I am faithful, and I shall abound with blessings.” —Proverbs 28:20 Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Marriage And Family

Love this little devotional as well so much I feel like there isn't much I need to add.

So enjoy and be encouraged.

God Bless.

Marriage & Family

Showing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done...that they might set their hope in God
- Psalm 78:4,7

The psalmist is here making a public covenant to keep a careful record of God's blessings and to then recount them to the generations that will follow.

Yet, the thought in this verse also clearly contains the idea of "showing" (not just telling) because the first example the psalmist gives -- the praises of the Lord -- is one that must be acted out; it cannot simply be described if it is to be truly communicated.
It is possible to merely talk about praising the Lord, but the psalmist is promising more than that -- he will enumerate and communicate the praises of the Lord to his posterity, which therefore requires that he take part in such praise before their very eyes.

What are you showing and telling your children about God, and the worship of God? What does it say to your family when you are consistently late to church, early to leave, or quick to miss? Is it showing them the praises of God, is it communicating to them his strength and the wonderful works that he has done?

The psalmist recognizes that the stakes could not be higher. He is making this public commitment to the coming generation in order that they might set their hope in God. Is your faith so public and strong that it encourages your children and grandchildren to place their hope in God, as well?

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Settling All Claims

Love, love this little devotional.

So please readnand be encouraged and most of all, settle all claims in your life, your families, as well as for those around you.

God Bless.

Settling All Claims
Through the blood of Jesus, all my sins are forgiven.
If all our sins are forgiven, we have total rights of redemption. But if there is any sin in our lives that is not confessed—and is therefore not forgiven—we do not have full legal rights of redemption in that area. Satan still has a claim in that area. I have proved this many times in the ministry of deliverance. If Satan has any claim, he will not give it up. You can shout in his face or fast for a week, but you will not change the situation because Satan knows that he has a legal claim that still has not been settled.
Another common way in which believers give Satan a legal claim in their lives is by failing to forgive others. Jesus taught us that we are forgiven by God in the same measure in which we forgive others. We are to pray, “Forgive us our debts [trespasses], as we forgive our debtors [those who trespasses against us](Matthew 6:12). We are not entitled to claim forgiveness from God above the measure in which we forgive others. (See verses 14–15.) Therefore, if there are any people we have not forgiven, in that measure, we are not forgiven by God. In other words, any area of unforgiveness in our lives is an area to which Satan still has legal claim. Do what you will; you cannot dislodge him until you have forgiven whomever you need to forgive.
Thank You, Lord, for the blood of Jesus. I proclaim that I am fully forgiven, because I confess all my sins and now forgive those who have hurt me (list specific names). Through the blood of Jesus, all my sins are forgiven. Amen. 

Derek Prince Ministries 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Go And Announce To Them

You know the old saying, actions speak louder than words and I csn honestly say in this day and age, how true this is.
There is alot of words being thrown around and very little actions being displayed.
The world is in need of people who care won't you join me in rising up, shutting up, and speak louder than evil to show the love of God?
God Bless.

Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. (NLT) -Matthew 10:7
Do you serve as a reminder to others about the Kingdom of Heaven? It doesn't necessarily mean by word, but it can be done through action. The Kingdom of Heaven works differently than the earthly kingdom. Be a light for others through uncommon justice, love, and peace. We live in a temporal world and it is unwise to count on tomorrow to share this news. Since, for some, tomorrow may never come.
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Monday, January 22, 2018

Fight On

Who doesn't like a good fight? I enjoy the MMA fights. I even enjoy a good boxing fight but as for me, I personally don't want to fight anyone or anything but the bible tells me something different.
Everyday is a fight for my faith and I must stand but more importantly, I am to stand on the rock that can't and won't be moved.  Thank God!
Not only should I keep fighting for myself but I should fight so that one day I will hear the Father say, well done thy good and faithful servant.
God Bless.
Fight On!
by Gloria Copeland
“Fight the good fight of faith.” 1 Timothy 6:12 “I’m tired of fighting! As soon as I whip one problem, there are a hundred more knocking on my door!” Some years ago a friend of mine said those very words to the Lord. At the time she was weary from the battles of life and ministry. She was fatigued from the constant pressure of pushing back the powers of darkness in her own life and in the lives of those around her. I’ll never forget the Lord’s response to her as she voiced her frustration. What is an army for, if not to fight?! He said. You’ll either be fighting or retreating from now until Jesus returns! Those words come as a shock to many Christians. They don’t want to be warriors. They want a comfortable, easy life. They want to lie back and go on a spiritual vacation. But that’s not what we as believers are called to do. We’re called to “fight the good fight of faith.” We are an army and we are at war, “not against flesh and blood, but against principalities...powers...rulers of the darkness of this world...spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). God has given us spiritual weapons (2 Corinthians 10:4) and His own armor (Ephesians 6:10-18). He has equipped us to be spiritual soldiers! Right now you may be thinking, My, this soldier business sounds rough. I’m not sure if I can do it. Yes, you can! When you face the pressure of battle, when stress and trouble come, when you are about to faint, look up! Focus your attention on the truth that
Jesus is risen from the dead and you are in Him! When He arose, you arose. When He defeated the devil, you defeated the devil. His victory is your victory! Think about that when the devil is telling you that you’re not going to make it. Then turn the tables on him and tell him a few things for a change! Say: “Satan, I remind you that Jesus triumphed over you. I remind you that He spoiled you and made a show of you, that He took away all the authority you had. The Bible says you’ve been brought to naught! You’re nothing, but I am Jesus’ own representative here on the earth. I have His power and act in His Name. I’m seated with Him in heavenly places. All I have to do is stand in the victory Jesus has already won. The only way you can defeat me is by convincing me to quit, and that’s the one thing I won’t do! I won’t accept defeat. I won’t let you talk me out of my victory. I will stand and endure until I win—so you might as well surrender right now.” Or if you are short on time, just say, “Get out in the Name of Jesus!” That’s the way a good soldier talks. And that’s the way you’ll talk too when you constantly keep in mind Christ Jesus has risen from the dead!p>
Speak the Word “I fight the good fight of faith.” —1 Timothy 6:12 Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Patience And Hope

I love this little devotional and the truth written within the words. To me, this little devotional is nothing short of an encouragement needed to be able to walk this Christian walk.

And who doesnt need some hope and encouragement? None that I can think of and when people are encouraged, lives are being changed, and the world is as it should be or close to it.

God Bless.

Patience and Hope

Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory
- 1 Peter 1:8

Christian faith is a paradox. It loves someone you have never met, it believes in someone you cannot see, and it enjoys this person with a fullness that cannot be described or surpassed.

Whom having not seen, ye love. Christian faith is personal, not just believing for the sake of believing or formulating an abstract worldview. Christians do not just love truth, or justice, or peace, or purity. Christians love Christ! Christianity is not a philanthropy; it is not a philosophy; it is not even a religion. It is a relationship.

Yet believing. There are a thousand obstacles to the Christian faith. Professors may try to trip you up, tragedy may tempt you to lose heart, and discouragement may threaten to undo your faith from the inside out. But true Christianity believes in Christ anyway, trusts in Christ regardless, draws near to Christ relentlessly. No matter what the obstacle or opposition, true faith yet believes.

With joy unspeakable. Truth can be shared, but faith cannot. Nor can it be expressed. You have to experience Christ to appreciate Christ. You have to know Christ to embrace Christ. And you have to see Christ to enjoy him and find your satisfaction in him.

Have you seen him? Do you trust him? Have you enjoyed him?

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Stop Wasting Time

There are a lot of things veing for our times. In fact, this is the best of times as well as the worse of times.
Technology has made life way to easy. And when life is to easy, we become lazy and complancent but it is about time we stop being lazy and get off our blessed assurances and get busy, we got a world who are in need of our help and hope.
God Bless.
Stop Wasting Time
If any one of us intends to seize the day and live intentionally, we cannot successfully do so unless we face the truth about how much time we waste on fruitless distractions or even things like guilt, fear, worry, anxiety, jealousy, envy, greed, resentment, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, self-pity.... If we want to seize the day, we must be prepared to seize these negative emotions that can rob us of many days. Don’t Feed the Negatives Joyce teaches how she starved her bad attitude by refusing to feed it. Tip: Make a list of some of the things that keep you distracted. Once you identify the distractions in life, you can work toward removing them. Read More: The Payoff of Staying Stable Learning how to remain stable in the middle of your storm is the key to getting through to the other side.
Joyce Meyer

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Don't Give Up!

This is for all of us on the the verge of giving up for whatever reason.

If you are at the point of giving up, get in agreement with this little devotional written by Joyce Meyer.

Personally, I saved this little devotional to my private file for future reference and believe you me, I know that in the months to come, I will be rereading it alot but I am determine to fight the good fight of faith and live the life Christ paid for.

God Bless.

Don't Give Up!

by Joyce Meyer

Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
—Galatians 6:9 KJV

Do you ever feel like giving up? Perhaps you're discouraged about your finances or you're facing problems with your health, your marriage, or your children. Sometimes problems seem so overwhelming the road ahead seems too steep to climb. 
We all go through these times. I've wanted to give up and quit many times through the years. But when I realized I had nothing to go back to, I determined to keep pressing on.
Even though continuing to move forward is sometimes painful, it is far better than giving up and sliding backwards. God is doing a good work in you so He can do more for you and through you. So ask Him to fill you with holy determination today and keep moving in the right direction.

From the book Ending Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Thanksgiving And Praise

The author or author's of this little devotional claims that it is meant to stir ourselves up to praise God and I must say, praise is something I could do more of.
So I appreciate this little devotional and what it is trying to convey. So now what am I going to with this information? I am going to praise and let God be God as He works things out on my behalf.
God Bless.
Thanksgiving And Praise
Oh give thanks to the LORD call upon his name make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him tell of all his wondrous works! - (Psalms 105:1-2)
Verse Commentary
Our devotion is here stirred up, that we may stir up ourselves to praise God. Seek his strength that is, his grace the strength of his Spirit to work in us that which is good, which we cannot do but by strength derived from him, for which he will be sought. Seek to have his favour to eternity, therefore continue seeking it while living in this world for he will not only be found, but he will reward those that diligently seek him.
-Author Unknown

Monday, January 15, 2018

Come Now, Let's Settle This

Are you as wishy-washy as me? I kniw what I should do but then do the opposite and then try to hide it from God like Adam and Eve did?
Maybe it is time we let go of resolutions we will never keep and get honest with ourselves and allow God to help us live the life He had planned for us.
God Bless.
"Come now, let's settle this," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool." (NLT) -Isaiah 1:18
Everyone is walking around stained with sins. God has the power to settle it once and for all. No matter how hard we try to fix, ignore, or run away, He alone can wash away the red stains. What sins are you still holding onto? Ask God to cleanse you of your sins today. Then enjoy His grace.
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Friday, January 12, 2018

Because Of God's Tender Mercy

Thank God for His mercy. Yet, the fullnest of His mercies wouldn't be possible without the birth of Jesus.
I can only speak for myself but I can't express enough how truly grateful I am for this Savior who has been by myside through thick and thin. He truly is my best friend and I pray I can serve Him with evrything in me.

Because of God's tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace. (NLT) -Luke 1:78-79
Jesus' birth is surrounded by symbols of the light he brought into this world full of darkness. Like the shining star that appeared to the wise men, Jesus has brought light into our lives. He guides us to peace and his death on the cross for our sins is evidence of God's love for us. Let's celebrate this holy day in remembrance of the light Jesus has brought to your life.
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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Path To The Cross

This little devotional gives you a good look into the start of what Jesus' path looked like to the cross.
It's an interesting read and needs to be meditated on and hopefully will bring about a need to dig deeper into the way's and word of God.
God Bless.
Path to The Cross
Leah DiPascal
Today's Reading: Mark 15:1-32  Mark 15:19-20 (NIV) "Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him.  And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him." 
It may seem a little odd to be reflecting on Jesus' betrayal, beatings and crucifixion in today's reading, since yesterday we celebrated Christmas. But everything surrounding Jesus' birth points directly to His purpose for coming to earth in the first place. Like weaving a red ribbon through a Christmas wreath, the Father's love and shed blood of Jesus weaves His birth and crucifixion together like a salvation ribbon for all of humanity.  What God declared in the garden, Jesus accomplished on the cross. (Genesis 3:15) What God promised from the beginning, Jesus fulfilled once and for all times.  Although the details of today's reading in Mark 15 are beyond harsh and hard to fully comprehend, we must remember that Jesus was not a feeble, helpless man who was forced to endure suffering. During those excruciating hours leading up to His last breath, all power and authority in heaven and earth was fully available to Him.  Jesus didn't endure all the suffering and anguish because He was obligated to us. Jesus endured it all because He chose to. No one took Jesus' life. He gave it up willingly. His perseverance and pain was enveloped with an outpouring of love and desire to do the Father's will.  Look at His own words …  "The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life-only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."  John 10:17-18
Jesus laid down His life as the Sacrificial Lamb so that you and I would be saved from sin, death and eternal judgement.  Jesus allowed Himself to be …  Harshly bound so we could be set free.  Falsely accused so we could be fully acquitted for our sins.  Convicted like a criminal so we could be set free from the chains of hell.  Flogged and beaten so we could receive wholeness.  Spit upon and stripped of His dignity so we could be accepted like royalty.  Jesus chose to …  Wear the crown of thorns so we could wear a crown of victory.  Carry the weight of the cross so we wouldn't have to carry the weight of shame and condemnation.  Remain silent in His sufferings so we could sing liberating songs of joy and praise.  Hang between two criminals so we could be held closely by the Father.  Wrap Himself in a cloak of dirty sins so we could be wrapped in a pure robe of righteousness.  Be forsaken by the Father so we would never be forsaken or forgotten.  Refuse the numbing cup of wine with myrrh so He could fully drink the cup of suffering assigned to Him on our behalf.  Jesus was resolved from the first moment to the last, to do the Father's will. To accomplish His redemption and salvation assignment. He never wavered. He never backed down. He never questioned His purpose.  And as our Savior determined to remain on the cross and be crucified, He looked out on the crowd and said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34). Even in those unimaginable moments — when pain and rejection swelled to its greatest intensity — Jesus extended His love. Pouring out His life as a drink offering. Revealing undeniable compassion to save the world. And that, friend, is the greatest love story this world will ever know.  Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for enduring the cross for me. Thank for bearing all my guilt and shame as You carried the total weight of my past, present and future sins. You chose to do what no one else possibly could. You chose to fulfill the greatest assignment, regardless of what it cost You, for my sake. I am forever grateful because of You, Lord Jesus. It is in Your holy and glorious name I pray, amen.  More Moments: There are over 300 messianic prophecies in the Old Testament that were fulfilled in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Below are a few of them recorded in Psalm 22 which Jesus fulfilled on the cross. Read More My Moment: Jesus endured six trials between the time He was arrested and later nailed to the cross. Today's reading includes the fourth trial before Pontius. Mark 15:15 says, "Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified." When was the last time your desire to "satisfy the crowd" led you to make a "Barabbas" decision, instead of choosing the way of Jesus?

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Gift Of Honor

In 2018, I want a breakthrough in my finances. I have tithed and offer quite a bit over the years and God has managed to see me through.
Yet, I am not satisfied. I want more. I want to live the life God intended me to live and just getting by seems as lack to me.
So when I came across this little devotional, I had a thought. Maybe the problem isn't with my tithe and offering but with how I presented them.
Am I truly doing it out of duty or am I doing it because it will bring honor to God? I don't know the answer to this but I am willing to drive more deeply into it and see where this will lead me.
It should be the desire of my heart to honor God in all things and I am setting out to do just that.
God Bless
A Gift of Honor
by Gloria Copeland
“If the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.” 2 Corinthians 8:12, New International Version
In God’s economy, giving equals receiving. Seeds planted bring a harvest. All of us who’ve studied what the Bible has to say about prosperity know that. But we’ve also looked around enough to know that despite their giving, many of God’s people are struggling financially. They plant seeds, but instead of reaping abundance, lack continues to dog their footsteps. I believe the difference is giving a gift of honor. For example, just because you’ve been in the habit of setting aside 10 percent for God doesn’t mean you are a tither. True tithing must be done in a way that honors God. It must be done with heart worship for God, not just plunked in the plate and deducted in the checkbook register. Just like tithing must be done in a way that honors God, so must all our giving. Here are six principles that will guarantee a return on your giving. Start where you are—Some people get discouraged before they even begin because they can only give small gifts. “All I can give is $2. That’s not enough to matter.” Don’t be deceived. Every gift matters to God. The poor widow in Mark 12:41-44 gave only two mites, yet Jesus said she gave the biggest gift of all. Give in faith—When you give, believe God. You can’t tithe in faith and in heart and not increase. Expect God to prosper you when you tithe and you will get exactly what you believe for. Tithe, no matter what—Commit to tithe consistently, not just when things are going well financially. You won’t increase if you aren’t consistent. You may even decrease! Sow what you want to reap—Don’t give God your leftovers. Give Him quality gifts (Malachi 3). Watch your words—When people get under pressure financially (or in any other area of life), there’s a temptation to start spouting their frustration and talking unbelief.
A good place to check for this is to consider what you say in front of your spouse. You are probably OK in front of your faith and Word friends. When you give, rejoice!—Worship before the Lord. Rejoice in all the good things He has given to you. Rejoice in the goodness He’s brought into your life (Deuteronomy 26). This is the kind of giving that honors God. When you begin to give according to these principles, something exciting will happen. Your spirit will rise up inside you. You will take authority over doubt and fear and lack in the Name of Jesus. Instead of expecting the natural shortages that have dogged you, you’ll start expecting supernatural abundance. And you know what? You’re going to get it! Speak the Word “I give and it is given to me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over do men give to me.” —Luke 6:38
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Praise In The Desert

I absolutely love this little devotional and it is one I can get behind for my life in 2018.

I know the truth in thes3 written words below will not only bring life but freedom to live for Christ and I am looking forward to seeing where my praise will lead me in 2018.

God Bless.

Praise in the Desert
Let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise.
When I was serving in the British army during World War II, I was stationed in the deserts of North Africa. One negative aspect of desert living conditions is that they tend to provoke murmuring and complaining. This happened with Israel many times, and it often brought God’s judgment and disfavor upon them. I got so weary of the desert, the food, and the blaspheming British soldiers that I began to complain. When I did this, I lost the sense of God’s presence and blessing.
I decided to set aside a special day to fast and to ask God why His presence seemed to have withdrawn from me. I said, “God, why are You not near to me? Why do I have to continue this monotonous, wearisome life in the desert?” By evening, God had given me the answer. He spoke to me very clearly, saying, “Why have you not thanked Me? Why have you not praised Me?” As I meditated on what God said, I realized that I had lost the sense of His presence because I had become unthankful.
In due course, the Holy Spirit directed me to various passages along this line, including 1 Thessalonians 5:16–19: “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit” (NASB). Again, the implication is that if we do not rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in everything, we are quenching the Holy Spirit! By murmuring and complaining instead of praising and giving thanks, I had quenched the Holy Spirit in my life.
God expects us to continually offer up a sacrifice of praise from our lips—not just inwardly from our hearts. We have to make our praise vocal by giving thanks to the name of the Lord!
Thank You, Lord. I give You praise. I proclaim that I do not quench the Spirit but rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in everything. I shall continually offer up a sacrifice of praise. Amen. 

Derek Prince Ministries 

Monday, January 8, 2018

By The Grace

What better way to start 2018 by living in grace and understanding what it means.
There isn't anything better, so misunderstood, and so misused. There hasn't ever been a more important time when it is needed.
People are lost and have harden their hearts as well as closed thier minds to there being a hope and cure for the problems facing the world today.
Could the answer be as simple as if the church moves in grace and love, the world would be a better place for you, for me, and the future.
God Bless.
By the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me. (1 Corinthians 15:10)
Grace is not only God’s disposition to do good for us when we don’t deserve it. It is an actual power from God that acts and makes good things happen in us and for us. God’s grace was God’s acting in Paul to make Paul work hard: “By the grace of God . . . I worked harder than any of them.” So when Paul says, “Work out your own salvation,” he adds, “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:12–13). Grace is power from God to do good things in us and for us. This grace is past and it is future. It is ever-cascading over the infinitesimal waterfall of the present, from the inexhaustible river of grace coming to us from the future, into the ever-increasing reservoir of grace in the past. In the next five minutes, you will receive sustaining grace flowing to you from the future, and you will accumulate another five minutes’ worth of grace in the reservoir of the past.
The proper response to the grace you experienced in the past is thankfulness, and the proper response to grace promised to you in the future is faith. We are thankful for the past grace of the last year, and we are confident in the future grace for the new year.
-Author Unknown

Friday, January 5, 2018

Firstborn Son

Who doesn't love a baby? I know if I could have one more I would be flying high.
So I have to wonder how Mary felt when she held her first born son in her arms. I know what the bible say she pondered all things in her heart but how do you think she truly felt?
How do you think Joseph felt holding the baby that would one day save the world.
Better yet, what does the world think about this baby? Do you really think we have a true understanding just what that baby truly means to the world?
Babies are cute and soft and as parents we do everything in our power to protect them from harm so why wouldn't Jesus do anything less for us just as Mary and Joseph had done for Him.
But what we need to realize is the same thing Joseph and Mary knew, and that was the power wasn't in the baby but in the Son that He would become. Thank God for the first born Sonn who just happens to be the great I am.
God Bless.
Firstborn Son
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-7 She gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger. . . . - Luke 2:7
It’s so wonderful to hold a newborn baby in your arms. To look into the newly opened eyes, to feel the delicate skin, to hear the little squeaks. We pause here in wonder at Mary’s firstborn son, lying in a manger. But as we admire the baby in the manger, we know that he has to grow up. It’s not a baby who “will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Ever­lasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).
It’s not a baby who will take on the religious establishment and the Roman caesar and Satan and sin and death. It’s not a baby who will die for our sake on a cross. It’s not a baby who will then rise from the tomb, ascend to heaven, and take his seat at the Father’s right hand to reign. That sweet little newborn will grow up and overturn the power structures of the world. Though he is almighty God, he becomes a helpless infant. Instead of royal robes he wears strips of cloth. Instead of a warrior surrounded by an army, he is attended by nobodies. The thunder of his authority is muted into the cries of a child. But this helpless baby is a powerful threat because he is a promise that the days of the powerful are numbered. Let’s marvel that in this little bundle lies the power that will change our lives—and this world—forever. “O come, let us adore him, Christ, the Lord!” Prayer: All glory to you, great God and Lord, for the gift of your firstborn Son, Jesus Christ, whom you sent to save us.
Amen and Amen!
Thea Leunk

Thursday, January 4, 2018

More About Encouragement

Be encourager. Be kind. The world needs you this little devotional in my mind, explains the importance of why encouragement is so important and necessary.
We need to be more mindful of the hurting people. I believe God is going to hold us responsible for what we did for other's and that scares the heck out of me.
All it would take to change the world is one person to care about the person beside them.
So let the age of encouragment arise and be fruitful.
God Bless.

More About Encouragement Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-8 If your gift is . . . serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement. - Romans 12:6-8
Encouragers are people who know Christ’s love and live by his words: “As I have loved you, so you must love one ­another” (John 13:34). Encouragers know that they have a gift provided through grace, and the Spirit works through them to build up God’s people. Whom are we called to encourage? The list is endless. Paul often encouraged new believers by visiting the churches he helped to start. It’s also important that we encourage newcomers to the faith. They must not be left to fend for themselves; they need ongoing mentoring and encouragement in their new walk with Jesus. We can also encourage followers who are timid, weak, and wandering. Kind words cheer up people who are discouraged by life and its complexities (Proverbs 12:25). Well-chosen words make a huge difference! God gives encouragement through the Holy Spirit so that we can be more like him, glorifying him as we do so. There’s true joy found in encouraging others. Encouragement can take the form of a gracious compliment, a simple meal, an appropriate hug, a brief visit, or a generous donation, reviving someone like water to a drooping plant. The opportunities are endless! Whom can you encourage today? Prayer: Holy Spirit, empower us to be more Christlike in our encouragement of others as we journey through life together. Show us whom and how we can encourage in the name of Jesus and for his sake.
Amen. George Vink

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Shine On

When I first read the title of this little devotional along with the rest of it, it made me laugh.
Shine on when things get ruff. Shine on when your family turns their back on you. Shine on when you get laid off. Shine on when your life sucks. That is exactly what we must do.
Shine on with all the confidence of who wqe are in Christ so when the world goes to hell in a hand basket, we will rise and be the hope for all mankind.
God Bless.
Shine On!
by Gloria Copeland
“All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12
If you do anything that makes a mark for God in this world, persecution is going to come. It goes with the territory. Second Timothy 3:12 leaves no room for doubt about that. But why is it that simply living a godly life causes so much trouble in this world?
First John 5:19 tells us it’s because “the whole world lieth in wickedness.” We’re living in a world ruled by the spirit of darkness. And the brighter our light becomes, the more offensive we are to that realm of darkness. The reverse is also true. As long as we aren’t doing much for God, we’re not bothered with persecution. If we look like the world, talk like the world and act like the world—worldly people will think we’re all right. A little crazy maybe, but no real threat. So you might as well know right now, if you’re very turned on to God, the world isn’t going to like you much. Actually, that’s an understatement.
Jesus put it this way: “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you” (John 15:18-19). You may be thinking, Well, I’m sure that’s true, but it’s also not very pleasant. Why do we have to talk about it? We need to prepare ourselves so that when persecution comes, it doesn’t slow us down, much less stop us. That’s what persecution is designed to do, you know. It’s designed to discourage us and keep us from completing God’s plan for our lives. But, praise God, if we learn how to handle it in advance, it won’t even slow us down. So don’t be afraid of the darkness of this world. It may persecute you, but it can’t overcome you. Your family may even persecute you, but they can’t overcome you either. “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4). Just turn up your light a little brighter...and shine on! Speak the Word “Though I suffer persecution, I continue to live godly.” —2 Timothy 3:12
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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

It Had Been Revealed To Him

Can you imagine beingat the temple when Mary and Joesph passes by with the baby?
Better yet, can you imagine being patient in your waiting to see that baby that was going to change the world? Nope. I don't have that kind of patience.
But I admire Simeon and Anna's tenacity for holding on to something God spoke to them that would come true.
Sometimes I think their story is passed over but they have so much to offer in the story of Jesus.
And this little devotional, in my mind, gives a start of an insight of just how important they are and lessons we can depict from their patience and pray that someday, we can become as faithful as they were.
God Bless.

Scripture Reading: Luke 2:22-38 It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. - Luke 2:26
An old man stands in the temple with a baby in his arms. Chuckling with giddy joy, or lost in wonder? Then he announces that he has seen God’s salvation and he can die in peace. But what has Simeon seen, really? It’s just a little child in his arms, a speechless newcomer to the world. Whatever salvation this baby might work is still only a promise and a hope. But Simeon stands there in grateful anticipation at the future he holds in his hands. Then there is the prophet Anna, also old and approaching the end of her days. She adds to the joy and praise of the moment. By the time Jesus becomes a grown man, Simeon and Anna will have died. They will not be able to see with their own eyes what Jesus does as the Savior of the world. But in their patient faith they saw enough to know that God is true to his promises. Today we know more than they did, for we have the rest of the gospel story. And we hope for more. Having tasted the kingdom’s presence, we hunger and thirst for its coming completely when Jesus comes again. But for now, may we stand here in patient faith, like Anna and Simeon, and say, “We have seen him, and that’s enough for now. We know and trust that the Lord will keep his promises.”
Prayer: Holy God, fill our hearts with wonder, strength, and patience at the revelation of your glory that we have seen in Christ, our Lord.
Thea Leunk

Monday, January 1, 2018

Joesph, Son Of David

Mary is the ultimate superhero, plain and simple. Mary is the ultimate feminist, she has no problem bucking the system. Mary is the ultimate Christian, she has no problem believing just tells the Lord be it unto me. Mary is the ultimate leader, because she never allows the murmurs of others to derail her from her mission. She is the ultimate mother, she released her Son to full fill His calling by laying down her plans and will for her son.
She is the ultimate wife, she is submissive when she needed to be, trusting, with problem of standing by her man as they traveled the hillsides of Israel. She is the ultimate woman, how can she not be? She gave birth as animals were breathing down her neck.
She is a woman of God who should be the ultimate role model for woman of all ages instead of what we are faced with now.
Let us take a moment and give thanks for her obedience because without her, the world would be lost and void of any hope.
But let us not forget about the ultimate man. Here is a man who has fallen in love with the girl next door, has a plan for his future; the outlook of his life is bright but then the ultimate, life-changing event happened and his is forced to dig deep down inside himself and continue on with his life with a child who isn't his own.
What a man of character he was and is for taking on the ultimate challenge of raising the Son of God and helping Him prepare for His destiny. Thank God for this man.
He is a man of strengh as he walked the streets as people talked about his family, allowing his wife to give birth in a stable, then living in a land as he looked over his shoulder looking to protect his family from their enemies. He is amongst the few, the proud, the leaders of yesterday and today.
He truly doesn't get enough credit for all his contributions. But that doesn't matter, what matters ia he is our Savior's earthly father and if you ever want to a person to strife to become, become like Joseph for he truly depicts what a Christian should look like whether your a man or a woman.
God Bless.
Scripture Reading: Matthew 1:18-25 Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. - Matthew 1:20
Like Mary, Joseph had a visit from an angel. Like Mary, Joseph obeyed the angel’s message. And, like Mary, his life was turned upside down. Joseph’s life was that of a village craftsman. Income wasn’t always certain; business could be precarious. Joseph didn’t need adventures and long-distance trips; he needed a good steady stream of work. But as Joseph followed God’s direction, the adventures began. First he had to endure disapproving looks and remarks from neighbors and family members over the scandal of Mary’s pregnancy. Then there was the trip to Bethlehem, never easy but certainly made more difficult as Mary was about to give birth. And because they had no place to stay, she gave birth to baby Jesus in a stable. Then shepherds came telling about a visit by angels, and, later, astrologers from foreign lands came to honor Jesus as a new king. Then Joseph had to run with Mary and Jesus to Egypt to escape King Herod’s slaughter of baby boys (Matthew 2).
This wasn’t what Joseph had figured on when he had pledged himself to Mary. But when Jesus enters our life, we can expect things to be different. Our lives can be turned upside down as he takes us on adventures—­especially on the biggest adventure of all: life with him in the kingdom of God. Prayer: Lord and Savior, we know that your promises are true. Guide us to serve and honor you, wherever you call us to go.
Thea Leunk