Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Go And Announce To Them

You know the old saying, actions speak louder than words and I csn honestly say in this day and age, how true this is.
There is alot of words being thrown around and very little actions being displayed.
The world is in need of people who care won't you join me in rising up, shutting up, and speak louder than evil to show the love of God?
God Bless.

Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. (NLT) -Matthew 10:7
Do you serve as a reminder to others about the Kingdom of Heaven? It doesn't necessarily mean by word, but it can be done through action. The Kingdom of Heaven works differently than the earthly kingdom. Be a light for others through uncommon justice, love, and peace. We live in a temporal world and it is unwise to count on tomorrow to share this news. Since, for some, tomorrow may never come.
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