Thursday, January 18, 2018

Stop Wasting Time

There are a lot of things veing for our times. In fact, this is the best of times as well as the worse of times.
Technology has made life way to easy. And when life is to easy, we become lazy and complancent but it is about time we stop being lazy and get off our blessed assurances and get busy, we got a world who are in need of our help and hope.
God Bless.
Stop Wasting Time
If any one of us intends to seize the day and live intentionally, we cannot successfully do so unless we face the truth about how much time we waste on fruitless distractions or even things like guilt, fear, worry, anxiety, jealousy, envy, greed, resentment, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, self-pity.... If we want to seize the day, we must be prepared to seize these negative emotions that can rob us of many days. Don’t Feed the Negatives Joyce teaches how she starved her bad attitude by refusing to feed it. Tip: Make a list of some of the things that keep you distracted. Once you identify the distractions in life, you can work toward removing them. Read More: The Payoff of Staying Stable Learning how to remain stable in the middle of your storm is the key to getting through to the other side.
Joyce Meyer

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