Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Quote Of The Day - Enjoyment

Who doesn't want to enjoy life? I know I do and I also know that I don't.
So I can appreciate this little quote from Joyce Meyer. I know my heart hasn't matched up with my mind.
In fact, I have allowed my mind to rule my life which just has sucked the life right out me.
So, Lord, I repent of listening to my mind, and from the pride that has allowed the open door to thr wonderous mind.
Lord, set us on a course of pure enjoyment whatever thw circumstances may be.
God Bless.
Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer
“Enjoyment of life is not based on enjoyable circumstances. It is an attitude of the heart, a decision to enjoy everything because everything – even little, seemingly insignificant things – have a part in the overall “big picture” of life.” 
– Joyce Meyer

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