Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Gift Of Honor

In 2018, I want a breakthrough in my finances. I have tithed and offer quite a bit over the years and God has managed to see me through.
Yet, I am not satisfied. I want more. I want to live the life God intended me to live and just getting by seems as lack to me.
So when I came across this little devotional, I had a thought. Maybe the problem isn't with my tithe and offering but with how I presented them.
Am I truly doing it out of duty or am I doing it because it will bring honor to God? I don't know the answer to this but I am willing to drive more deeply into it and see where this will lead me.
It should be the desire of my heart to honor God in all things and I am setting out to do just that.
God Bless
A Gift of Honor
by Gloria Copeland
“If the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.” 2 Corinthians 8:12, New International Version
In God’s economy, giving equals receiving. Seeds planted bring a harvest. All of us who’ve studied what the Bible has to say about prosperity know that. But we’ve also looked around enough to know that despite their giving, many of God’s people are struggling financially. They plant seeds, but instead of reaping abundance, lack continues to dog their footsteps. I believe the difference is giving a gift of honor. For example, just because you’ve been in the habit of setting aside 10 percent for God doesn’t mean you are a tither. True tithing must be done in a way that honors God. It must be done with heart worship for God, not just plunked in the plate and deducted in the checkbook register. Just like tithing must be done in a way that honors God, so must all our giving. Here are six principles that will guarantee a return on your giving. Start where you are—Some people get discouraged before they even begin because they can only give small gifts. “All I can give is $2. That’s not enough to matter.” Don’t be deceived. Every gift matters to God. The poor widow in Mark 12:41-44 gave only two mites, yet Jesus said she gave the biggest gift of all. Give in faith—When you give, believe God. You can’t tithe in faith and in heart and not increase. Expect God to prosper you when you tithe and you will get exactly what you believe for. Tithe, no matter what—Commit to tithe consistently, not just when things are going well financially. You won’t increase if you aren’t consistent. You may even decrease! Sow what you want to reap—Don’t give God your leftovers. Give Him quality gifts (Malachi 3). Watch your words—When people get under pressure financially (or in any other area of life), there’s a temptation to start spouting their frustration and talking unbelief.
A good place to check for this is to consider what you say in front of your spouse. You are probably OK in front of your faith and Word friends. When you give, rejoice!—Worship before the Lord. Rejoice in all the good things He has given to you. Rejoice in the goodness He’s brought into your life (Deuteronomy 26). This is the kind of giving that honors God. When you begin to give according to these principles, something exciting will happen. Your spirit will rise up inside you. You will take authority over doubt and fear and lack in the Name of Jesus. Instead of expecting the natural shortages that have dogged you, you’ll start expecting supernatural abundance. And you know what? You’re going to get it! Speak the Word “I give and it is given to me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over do men give to me.” —Luke 6:38
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

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