Friday, January 5, 2018

Firstborn Son

Who doesn't love a baby? I know if I could have one more I would be flying high.
So I have to wonder how Mary felt when she held her first born son in her arms. I know what the bible say she pondered all things in her heart but how do you think she truly felt?
How do you think Joseph felt holding the baby that would one day save the world.
Better yet, what does the world think about this baby? Do you really think we have a true understanding just what that baby truly means to the world?
Babies are cute and soft and as parents we do everything in our power to protect them from harm so why wouldn't Jesus do anything less for us just as Mary and Joseph had done for Him.
But what we need to realize is the same thing Joseph and Mary knew, and that was the power wasn't in the baby but in the Son that He would become. Thank God for the first born Sonn who just happens to be the great I am.
God Bless.
Firstborn Son
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-7 She gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger. . . . - Luke 2:7
It’s so wonderful to hold a newborn baby in your arms. To look into the newly opened eyes, to feel the delicate skin, to hear the little squeaks. We pause here in wonder at Mary’s firstborn son, lying in a manger. But as we admire the baby in the manger, we know that he has to grow up. It’s not a baby who “will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Ever­lasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).
It’s not a baby who will take on the religious establishment and the Roman caesar and Satan and sin and death. It’s not a baby who will die for our sake on a cross. It’s not a baby who will then rise from the tomb, ascend to heaven, and take his seat at the Father’s right hand to reign. That sweet little newborn will grow up and overturn the power structures of the world. Though he is almighty God, he becomes a helpless infant. Instead of royal robes he wears strips of cloth. Instead of a warrior surrounded by an army, he is attended by nobodies. The thunder of his authority is muted into the cries of a child. But this helpless baby is a powerful threat because he is a promise that the days of the powerful are numbered. Let’s marvel that in this little bundle lies the power that will change our lives—and this world—forever. “O come, let us adore him, Christ, the Lord!” Prayer: All glory to you, great God and Lord, for the gift of your firstborn Son, Jesus Christ, whom you sent to save us.
Amen and Amen!
Thea Leunk

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