Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Humble Yourselves

Pride Is something my husband is working on it and finding out just how much he has of it.
It's amazing how pride works and how with just a simple mundane activity can cause a crack to allow pride in and ruin everything.
Take pride seriously, it kills everything it comes in contact with. Just like Tim McGraw sings always stay humble and kind then sit back and watch what those two characteristics work.
God Bless.

So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. (NLT) -1 Peter 5:6
Pride is a difficult, thorny root that slowly takes hold in your heart. It's deceptive and is difficult to perceive let alone conceive its presence in our lives. Do you trust that the Lord will honor you at the right time? Failure to trust that God will honor you will lead you to boast to yourself and others about your greatness. As you walk through your day, keep an eye out for any roots that may trip you up.
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