Thursday, March 22, 2018

Snap Out Of It

I have always be curious about the story of Jabez. His story is just a little blimp in the bible but one I can't help but wonder if we truly understand his story.
This little devotional may help put things in perspective and give an insight on just how important it is to cry out to a living God when you have a need and then having the knowledge and more importantly, the faith He heard your cry and will come through for you without a shadow of a doubt no matter how long it may take to broaden our territory.
God Bless.
Snap Out of It!
The story of Jabez, meaning pain, is brief but beautiful. As people called out to Jabez, they were sentencing him to a sad, miserable life. The tongue has the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21 NIV). Yet his life took a different turn. Jabez stands out as a person who refused to accept his situation. He chose not to mourn or groan about it. He didn’t listen to what people called him. What he did was go to the one who could change it all. He cried out to the living God. Today, you may be trapped by what people have said about you, or the names they’ve labelled you over the years. Snap out of it! Don’t accept what people say, but look to the Lord, like Jabez did. He knew that God’s plans were not limited to people’s ideas. God’s ways are higher than ours and very often go against what the majority has to say. So, even though people may have called Jabez ‘pain’, his life had a better destiny. God’s hand was upon him and God kept Jabez from being a pain. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made by the master Creator. His plans for you are good, to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).
As you live your life trusting in Him, He is working behind the scenes to write out a beautiful end to your story. Keep following Him and you will see that all things work together for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
Declaration Thank You, Lord, that You are working to create a beautiful story in my life. I don’t care about what people say about me, but I look to You and trust that You have the best in store for me.
-Author Unknown

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