Friday, March 2, 2018

Quote Of The Day - If We Look At Our Circumstances

How true is this quote? I know it hit's home for me. Surely I can't be the only one who has ever looked at their circumstances and then said are you sure, Lord? Maybe You got the timing all wrong.
I guess it comes down to do want ro walk in the anointing no matter what is going around you are do you want to get by.
I'll take the anointing please and thank you. It will be the best decision of our lives on that I am sure.
God Bless.
Quote of the Day
-Joyce Meyer
“If you look at your circumstances you will put off doing what God is telling you to do. It can seem like the worst time to do whatever God says to do. BUT there is an anointing on “now” if God has told you to act.” 
-Joyce Meyer, Beauty for Ashes: Receiving Emotional Healing

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