Thursday, August 23, 2018

A Merry Heart

There is nothing better than laughing with friends, family, and even when no one is watching.
And everyone knows what the bible has to say about it but the question is, why don't we do more of it?
The only I thing I can think of is the busyness of life and what it throws at us plus, when we make the choice to follow life instead of just letting go and enjoying it.
Maybe we can start the enjoy your life movement with the hopes it will catch fire and people will being to live again and it shows threw their pores. What is the worst can happen?
God Bless.
A Merry Heart
We all know that laughter is the best medicine; it is a stress buster and even boosts our immunity to various diseases. I believe that laughter not only blesses the person who laughs, but also the people around him. Who doesn’t want to hang out with a person with a cheerful countenance? When you have a merry heart, it shows in your attitude towards life.
And guess what; it’s contagious! When we are able to smile in the face of trouble, we give others hope too. People around us start to behave in a similar manner. Thankfully, as Christians, we are able to stay cheerful even in the face of adversity and trouble, because our focus is on the Lord. We are able to cast our extra baggage of anxiety and worry on Him. We can hope in Him and trust Him to deliver us. He promises to perfect all that concerns us (Psalm 138:8).
But, when we choose to focus on our problem instead of God, we move away from God’s presence and wallow in self-pity, which has a cascading effect, filling our hearts with bitterness and our faces with sadness. Sadness breaks our spirit and it sends out the message that God is not in control. So today, choose to focus not on the problem, but on the faithfulness of God. Get into His throne room for a fresh dose of His loving kindness and His grace that will sustain your cheerful countenance throughout the day. As you do this, the world will truly see that the joy of the Lord is your strength! Prayer Father in heaven, I pray that I would be a source of joy and comfort to the people around me.
I pray that I would not put You to shame with a sad countenance but rather confuse the enemy with wholesome laughter. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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