Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Listen To Me Closely

In the age of social media and the affect it has had on how people act towards one another, I think this little devotional is time relevant.
No matter what we are going through and how we choose to display our troubles to others, we should always side with showing kindness no matter how we may feel.
Because in the end, it isnt about us anyway. It's about seeing people through the eyes of love because God first loved us.
So, yeah, lets put on our big boy pants and acknowledge how much kindness matters in the lives of others.
God Bless.

When the world is giving you more than you think you can handle… When you’re ready to say, “Enough already!”…
God says, “Listen close to me. All things are possible through my love.” Put aside all bitterness, losing your temper, anger, shouting, and slander, along with every other evil. Be kind, compassionate, and forgiving to each other, in the same way God forgave you in Christ.
Ephesians 4:31-32
I love Instagram. And Twitter. And Facebook. I love seeing ridiculous and beautiful pictures and learning about people and events from all over the world. But I don’t love the meanness on social media. For every cat video or sunset picture there is also anger, name calling, and ALL CAPS YELLING. We’ve all seen the arguments and hate-filled words that we type at one another – sometimes directed at people we know or sometimes at total strangers! Early Christians didn’t have SnapChat, but they had the same struggles we do: treating each other with kindness. Being mean is easy: snapping back at someone who snapped at us, being mean to that annoying person, responding in anger when someone is rude to you. But choosing kindness requires courage, compassion, and love. God chooses to love us. God chooses to forgive us. And aren’t we grateful? We don’t have any control over how other people act, but we have complete control over how we respond to them. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.
Carrie Zimmerman

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