Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Is Your Vision From God?

I don't think I have seen a better explanation about how to know what your purpose is then this little devotional.
Trying to find your purpose can be difficult and trying but this little devotional makes it very simple.
In fact, it's like when you have a "duh" moment and you realize you've known the answer the whole time but you just needed a little reminder and this little devotional fits the bill.
So if you want to know if it's God or not, tuck these words away into your memory bank for when you need a friendly reminder (or just save the devotional like I am).
God Bless.

Is Your Vision From God?
People constantly ask me, “How do I know if something is from the Lord, or if it’s just what I want?” I tell them to look in Genesis where God came to Abram in a vision and said, “Do not be afraid…” (Genesis 15:1).
When you have a vision that is from God, you will tend to experience an initial bout of fear or intimidation at what is required of you, because a real vision requires faith. At the very same time, the visions and dreams that God gives you will build your faith as you choose to obey, take risks, and see Him make good on His promises. God gave Abram a big vision. He told him, at 75 years of age, that He would give him a son, and that through him all nations would be blessed.
Abraham would have been afraid. In fact, we know there were times his trust in God was weak. Yet God came through, and his wife bore a son when Abraham was 100 years old! If you want to know if a vision is from God, ask yourself, “Does this require me to step out in faith?” God’s vision for your life will often challenge you to step out into territory that may be unfamiliar to you.
Pray and seek discernment from Scripture, and look for God’s guidance at every step.

Prayer for the day: Pray that God would give you supernatural guidance when it comes to His leading in your life.
Kong Hee - Stepping Into Your purpose

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