Thursday, August 9, 2018

Circumstances Cannot Control Me

Sometimes I look at the title of these little devotional's and I think and I think, really?
How dare they tell me how to feel when I'm faced with something. I know the devotional's are meant to encourage but sometimes I wish I could just slap the author and scream how dare you.
But the feeling passed and I settle down and put my mind to digging deeper and letting things go because I know enough that when I get all rowd up, the author has hit something God is dealing with or wants me to so I man up and begin again.
So let's begin....again and...
God Bless.

Circumstances Cannot Control Me!
Let’s take a quick look at Peter’s life. He was the bold disciple, who wanted to be like Jesus, and walk on water. In obedience to Jesus’ command, he did just that! But the moment he looked at the situation around him, fear crept in and he began to sink. Often, we are like Peter. Receiving bad news can be the cause of many sleepless nights. Sometimes, just hearing that the economy is bad, can cause us to fear for our jobs or our investments. We tend to look at situations around us and allow them to control our thinking, dampen our spirits and bring us down. But, as a favored child of God, I have news for you. Your life, and your perspective on life, do not have to be ruled by the circumstances around you. The same Jesus, who commanded Peter to walk on water, is with you and is walking with you through this journey called life. And He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4). He is the same One who can control the storm and the raging seas around you, and allow the worst of situations to work in your favor.
Psalm 23:5 talks about God preparing a table before us in the presence of our enemies. If God can cause our enemies to be kind to us, how much more will He cause others to treat us in the same way? Peter sank, only when his focus moved to the situation around him. His focus was not Jesus but his surroundings. Today, if you want to walk above your circumstances, let your focus be on Jesus. He is the one who controls your universe and He can change any situation in your favor!
Prayer Thank You, Lord, that You are the captain of my life and You control every situation I encounter, so that I can face life with hope and absolutely no worry. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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