Friday, November 6, 2015

Anything is possible

Do you believe in the possible? Do you believe that God can do the impossible?

Yeah, not so much right? Yet somehow I know that God is waiting patiently for the believers of this world to step their game and believe for the imaginable.

We need something grand to happen in this world. Something that people can grab a hold of and believe in times of trouble.

People are searching high and low for the impossible. The same is for Christians and I beleive it begins with us believing and not giving up our hope when things look bleak.

Hope is the key, Jesus is the light, and the Holy Spirit can make the impossible the way of life.

God Bless.

"What do you mean, If I can?" Jesus asked. "Anything is possible if a person believes." (NLT) -Mark 9:23

Some days can be a bit lackluster or uninspiring. If you're having too many of those days, maybe it's time to be inspired to do great things. It's possible if you believe.

However, this belief is not in your capabilities but rather in God who can provide for you something far greater than what you're thinking now. Use your imagination then trust God!

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