Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Enemy Has A Plan Too

Do you ever think that you have an enemy? Or do you give him too much recognition? Or you like me and are too busy or blah to give it a second thought.

This little devotional helps to put your enemy in the forefront of your problems and then how to send him packing into the depths of the deepest part of hell. 

Knowledge is power! And power will bring us into the light for the world to see.

God Bless.

The Enemy Has a Plan Too

God has a plan for your life, but the devil has a plan for you too. As a result, the Bible says we need to "be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times."

Temperate means 'disciplined,' sober of mind means 'serious,' vigilant means 'determined' and cautious means 'careful.' We are to live like this 'at all times.' That's serious.

But we need to get serious to fight off the enemy. Whenever God shows you an area in your life where the enemy is attacking you, that's not the time to sit back and do nothing. It's time to get serious and fight back against Satan.

God's plan is for us to be more than conquerors in Christ. We don't have to live enslaved to the enemy's plan. You can decide right now to do what you need to do. Get serious with God, follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and stay on guard against the enemy. Choose today to follow God's plan for your life, not Satan's, and you will defeat the enemy at every turn.

Prayer Starter: God, I choose Your plan, not the enemy's. Show me the areas where he is attacking me and guide me in defeating him.

Joyce Meyer Ministries

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