Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Forget Me Not

Oh the danger of excess in one's life. When everything is going good we have a tendency to forget. Surely I am not the only one to forget where I came from.

I forget God in the good times and most of the time, I don't even acknowledged Him in the bad. Yet, I strive on and with Thanksgiving right around the corner, it serves as a reminder, as I eat excessively, I need to put my thoughts and feelings, heart and soul into where it maters and put all my focus on not forgetting the person who has brought me through and to this season in life.

God Bless.

But when you had eaten and were satisfied, you became proud and forgot me. (NLT) -Hosea 13:6

Excess is a real struggle for many in our culture.

With freezers full of frozen food, clothes for every season, and shelter for our cars, it's no wonder we're so proud. We must not forget where these provisions come from. Don't forget to thank God everyday for all that He has provided. Not only does it show appreciation; most importantly it will keep you humble.

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