Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Find The Answers And Power You Need In The Word

The word. It's all we need to get us these troubling times. The word will draw us to the one and only Savior who can change the world. I don't know about you, but I'm anxiously awaiting for something big to happen. 

This world is going to hell in a hand basket and if we aren't standing on some sort of solid ground, we are going to fall into the same basket the world is and I for one, am hanging on for dear life believing there is change that is coming around the corner that will change the world.

God Bless.

Find the Answers and Power You Need in the Word

When people ask me where to start reading the Bible, I tell them there's really no wrong place to start. You can study anything that's going to help you.

When I first started studying the Word, I didn't have very good relationships because I didn't really understand what love was. So that's what I studied.

As I studied the subject of love, I learned that it's more than a gooey feeling. It's a decision you make about how you're going to treat people.

By studying what the Bible says about love, I learned how to love. Then my life began to change.
Whatever you're dealing with, you can find scriptures about it by using a concordance. For example, if you're dealing with anger or fear, flip to the concordance in the back of your Bible and locate those words to see which scriptures talk about those issues.

If you can't think of anything right away, thumb through the concordance and pick a subject that grabs your attention. Begin looking at all scriptures referenced with this word and read them. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and reveal truth to you.
No matter where you start, remember that the Word is alive and has something for you today!

Prayer Starter: Lord, I know that Your Word has something for me today. No matter what I'm dealing with, I'm going to find out what Your Word says about it.

Joyce  Meyer

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